
This is why you should get married. It's fine to just have sex and continue whatever you are doing from time to time. Heck, sometimes we have sex during the commercial break. Obviously if climax is the goal, it's easy for me, but my wife enjoys it too. Maybe there isn't a way to tell this story without sounding bad.

Reading this article made me think of DragonBall Z! Super-Ice-Level XV!

I'm sure it involves incest.

That is a superb price for the Bob stroller. This dad approves as we have the orange version. Great jogging stroller.

But if it isn't SSD then it's still limited right? If it is SSD, please disregard.

DMT. That is all.



If one was going to purchase one of these, what are the things then that you could skimp on now to upgrade later versus what you should definitely go ahead and buy up front? For instance max GPU and CPU with minimum RAM and SSD space? Or just max CPU with min everything else? Just curious.

Best Thunderbolt drive?

I'm just glad my Parrot drone made the list!

This is first time I've watched this commercial, and I definitely didn't get the feeling this kid was a secret observer. I just saw, what I normally see of kids today, which is them buried in their phones!

I''ve been hooked by the Philips Hue system. I've got them all over my house, and it is awesome! Geofencing is pretty sweet too. Love pulling up and boom, there goes the lights.

Hue already has geofencing. I use it all the time. I use IFTT for SMS and Hue, but haven't had a must use moment with IFTT.

Still don't get it. It's ok though. It's kind of tertiary. Digital jazz man.

You don't understand the real point.

Yes, but that's not really the point of my comment.

So was my comment.

You shouldn't tag a post with the words Console Wars and then tell people it's asinine to talk about it.

I think the Apple TV is out based on your criteria.