
So the original trails didn't soak up moisture, but the zeros were so bad about that. I couldn't step on dewed grass without soaking my soaks. These are not like that then? Just want to make sure, Father's Day is approaching!

How does this work while playing on a console? Synch to the servers or something between the app and the game?


But you lose the actual sensation of connecting with your unborn child. We are child number 2, and it's great to actually feel her "hands" and "feet" and "head" or whatever she has placed up against my wife's abdomen. I could strap on some vibrating underwear and have my wife press a button when she kicks to recreate

As a gamer, I am 100% more interested in the PS4. However, it was interesting to see non-gamer's reaction to the Xbox One announcement. My one friend who doesn't play games, was like, "Wow, an all in one entertainment box that could replace many devices on my HT setup". I wonder just how many of these people exist,

Maybe this is the wrong crowd for this, but for those of us who have read the books, asking GRRM to please finish them is like asking Valve to finish the Half-Life series.

They just need to couple drones with Google Car and/or Roomba technology to really get this going.

Since all the in-ear ones fall out when I start sweating, I use these:

Show me real life implementation of this, and I might just buy a Vita all over again after having sold it about 6 months ago.

I just saw this and tweeted the same thing. I doubt I'll ever buy a Windows tablet, but it was funny.

Have you ever travelled across the universe and built and destroyed entire worlds?! Oh no, then enjoy your tie dye.

My question is where can one get the best information for a truly customized plan? I was 220, now I am down to 150 (over the course of several years). I'm 5'11", but still don't have a lot of muscle, but I do lift weights (squat, deadlift, bench, with a progressive system). My diet is spot on, but I'm probably still

I don't if anyone has addressed this, but the Gawker review seems much more favorable. So I am wondering if perspective is playing a role in how the movie is perceived?

I guess I was too young when I watched this in the theater to notice any of this stuff, but clearly, I've been duped. So sad. Nothing however, pales in comparison to re-watching Jonny Mnemonic. I thought that movie was pretty cool growing up. I re-watched it a few years back, and man, how terrible.

Thanks for that.

I agree with the post whole-heartedly. I've got iPhones with photos in my camera roll, some in iPhoto (hardly anymore do I upload to iPhoto, plus Dropbox). I basically hardly ever delete off my phone, cause I don't know where those photos actually are saved. It really is a mess, and a waste of precious space.

Me too. I've got shipping container, pre-fab homes, and the like in terms of figuring out a low-cost energy efficient green home. I'm thinking I need some land first.

3D printer + 3D ultrasound.

Any suggestions for the cheapest cost to benefit ratio of making a rented unit more energy efficient? We rent a two story townhome and the side facing the sun as well as the upstairs gets very hot. I am trying to think about renter friendly improvements I can make to keep the heat out while lowering our electric bills.

Anecdotal sure, but my new iPhone 5 I got with T-Mobile last week has lines all up and down on the screen. I'll definitely have to get it replaced. It is model A1428.