
My wife and I were shocked that they didn't show the 4th routine from Russia. Once, they did that, it became clear that NBC was just trying to hype of the rest of the competition/broadcast. It's just abhorrent the choices that NBC is making for the public.

That's so great.

I chose you grammar-chu. Better watch out. Looser.

Where is the service for couples that know "the lifestyle"?!

We named our daughter Ariya. We thought if we didn't slow it down with an "I", here in Texas, she'd be called Are-ya, with a southern draw. She was born in January too!

I used it to transfer files between Macs once, and I did use it as a display on an iMac from my MBP, but I guess that doesn't really count.

Uh, cause websites don't break down stuff all the time. Why do even watch the news? I should probably travel everywhere and know everything at once. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

What I want someone to do is break down what's the cheapest option by plan design and carrier for people who are in relationships or married, and have a shared plan. I don't think it's that uncommon for a situation where two people have iPhones. We pay about $150/mo with AT&T.

Was that last line even necessary, or true, for that matter? The whole article just explains the news-worthy part, then bam, an opinion. Maybe I am marred by watching Newsroom.

Someone went Ken Burns effect crazy!

But, how can I let my fiends know when I've ventured to the latest "rub n' tug", S&M Shop, and church? I must share all.

Did they edit out the correct answers, or at least people who have an idea?

I wonder if this correlates at all to handedness.

Now, we're dealing with Portals?!

The real question is, that I will acknowledge may be answered in the link, what is the actual size.

She was going to SMU. I wonder what happened to that path?

I don't know, maybe I'm gay, but I really like Boys, Boys, Boys by Lady Gaga. It's catchy.

That's true, but even strong magnetic fields can cause nausea. I suppose if the cell phone and electricity people say it's all safe, then it's safe.

Not to be all tin-foil hat, but what is potential biological consequence of being surrounded or exposed to that type of energy?

I don't know if you know Texas summers, but this whole get used to it thing doesn't really work around here!