
First off, my heart goes out to you and your family. I find it odd that you had such insistence about being related to your wife. My wife and I both found out that we are carriers of CF mutations (2 different one, so I suppose that quells the relation question), and although it's autosomal recessive, we didn't have to

Does that even count as a work out?

Ah, didn't think about that. Makes sense. I'd sure do that if I could.

Take home message for me is, man, it sure takes lot of people and office chairs to get things into space.

That's the first thing I noticed too. Admittedly, I didn't get a chance to wait it till it was docked, but Canada is sure proud.

Batman did it.

I don't see it.

Don't you mean Saverins him right?

So, how do these compare to the Minimus Zeros? I've been using the 1st gen Minimus (4mm drop) as my everyday shoe, 1-2 mile shoe, and cross-trainers. I run longer distance with some Brooke's shoes for longer distance running, but I've been thinking of making the drop to the Zeros. I was just wondering if anyone had

That was exactly my thought.

I've always wondered about using your smart phone in card counting in a way that isn't obvious, such that it would use vibrations (simulating texts) or something like that to know the count. You can't have your phone out on the table, but it can be in your pocket, and you can receive data. Maybe using the

The Hawk, which was the mech robot looking thing right? I did get the jet-pack.

But we all love Fringe!

I played the beta for a bit, but I never figured out how to fly.

Ah, epithelial cells are epithelial cells, except when they are not.

In my daughter's infant room at day care, there is a black baby, a white baby, a mexican baby (her), and a mexican boy for a total of 3 girls and 1 boy. That's pretty diverse for where I live.

I never knew the anti-virus software was named after someone. So, judging from the software I guess this guy is a resource hungry tentacles ever reaching, bloated piece of crap?

What are you talking about? A grad student's life is basically exactly as you stated. I had to get permission from the chair of my department just to attend the birth of my firstborn! (Not really)

This is a cool idea. I've wanted to do so many projects with like this or the pallet seating, but I don't know where to get a cheap mattress or foam cushion. Any ideas?

They didn't do her any favors with that makeup.