
You really should have put a spoiler alert on your post.

I guess the Apple TV (television) could have or will be something in the future.

I am literally beside myself by this news! If I wasn't on such a rush from these suffocated cumquats, I'd be totally going crazy. As long as I can pop this bad boy into my Early 2011 MacBook Pro, I am set. I've been waiting for a good SSD price/size ratio. Hope the reviews are good.

This is so amazing. What a cool thing to do!

I agree with this. Tesla is well-known around these parts.

Maybe because I'm from Dallas, but the playoffs have been pretty fun, at least for these 2 teams. I've even watched a few games from other years as well, that didn't include the Rangers, which is plenty obviously.

They don't make action movies as good as this!

I tried to see what you meant. I couldn't see it.

Oh Zachary Quinto. He's just a few millimeters short of becoming the full-on Peter Gallagher.

I'm going to go with Morgan and Casey as the forbidden romance in Chuck. They already live together, the bro-mance levels are off the charts. It's a bear and cub situation.

My wife is so funny about this. Even when we travel, she still wants to sleep on what would be the same side of the bed if we were home. I just laugh.

I know it's a little late, but my friend, who randomly had a seizure while driving, get pulled over, and subsequently woke up in an ambulance cuffed, bruised and tazed, apparently he was resisting. I don't think there is too much you can't resist while having a seizure.

Right. I do the same. Why would it need to synch at night?

I just don't know why I'd actually need to synch my phone over wi-fi at all, especially since it has to be plugged in. I either buy my songs directly, or on my computer which since my phone is always near me, it's always by my computer if I am.

It worked fine for my i7, Early 2011 MacBook Pro.

The one problem I had was that I selected to backup my iPhone through iCloud, but it didn't compete or something and then my phone wouldn't restore because it kept trying to use that back up, so I finally had to figure out how to get it to restore then use a backup from my computer. So, I have the backup from iCloud

That's one of the best things about Apple products is how well they keep their value, due to being a highly desired product. I basically buy a top of the line Macbook Pro every 2-3 years, by selling my old one for about $1500 then buying the newest one that's usually around $2200, having only spent $1000 for it.

For that much extra, I'd say no. I'd just wait for the next one. I have the best discount with an iPhone 4, but I'm going to wait till the next cycle.

That's about right I think. I see $250-$300 fairly quickly, and $200 would be the same day.

Thanks. I've been commenting for years, but I guess I'm mostly an in-the-background type of guy.