
No wonder I get an amazing feeling every time I'm touched. I'm going to go get my head shampooed and massaged right away!

It's a weird angle, but I saw it as 2 arms bending backwards, like a biceps stretch or something.

It's a weird angle, but I saw it as 2 arms bending backwards, like a biceps stretch or something.

Excellent post. It really is crap for commenters now. I can tolerate the re-designed front page in blog view, but the commenting system still sucks.

I guess real women have always had curves!

Shouldn't Peter choose our Olivia just based on the fact that he was never a "mission" for Olivia? I know I wouldn't want to be with someone who's job was to get close to me. How could you ever tell what's real? Peter at least knows that Olivia is damaged by way of Walter, but that she truly has feelings for him.

I'm with you. I have no clue where the link is!

I need to do this so bad, but I'll wait to read it later!

I saw the promo for Fringe last week, and I knew that the story driven episodes had to end sometime. I don't mind though. I will just have to learn patience. Of course, it won't be a bad episode anyways!

After reading this, I love you Charlie Jane Anders. You have a great eye for dissecting the smallest of nuances of plot, character, and relationships!

Dune stillsuit. You tug at my heartstrings sir.

I am down for polygamy anyways. It suits my love lifestyle. If you don't believe me, ask my wife. Well, polyamorous polygamy.

Nothing over $300 please. Ahh...forget it. His quote about price scares me.

@doubtful: I hope I'm right too. It just doesn't make sense to me to price it higher. It's like pricing an iPad higher than a Macbook. But, it does seem like Sony forgot about the consumer a long time ago, so who knows.

@doubtful: It's not a successor to the console though, and it's not in line with competitor price points. I guess we will find out when they release pricing info.

@Gnarkiller: Yeah, but there wasn't anything better than what they offered in their lineup, it's like pricing an iPad above a Mac computer. It just seems silly.

I've read people guessing $300-$400. Does anyone think they will realistically price it over their flagship console the PS3? I'd guess for it to be along the lines of the 3DS. It would almost have to in order to compete. Of course, anything lower, and it'd be awesome.

@thabookiemonster: Could they really price it as high or higher than a PS3?