
Definitely the men for your latter question.

Now playing

25th anniversary of tidal so this one’s for all my sad girls

This DB is kinda depressing so let’s focus on MTS and talk about how this flower swimsuit is both absurd and also I love it.  (And of course it goes without saying that Megan looks great.)

As anyone with a sister can attest, this is pretty tame.

As a proud recipient of a child tax credit last week, let me say that this shit is awesome! My kids are going to get to participate in extracurriculars that I would otherwise have hesitated in enrolling them in. So not only do my kiddos get the benefits of learning new skills and socializing, but my local economy is

You want to talk about hand-outs? I married into a farming family, NRA members, conservative AF, and they never, ever referred to their farming subsidy checks as a “hand-out,” but as something that was their due. These payments to families with children are hard won and I hope every dancing mom understands that this

Watching Mitch McConnell say, on camera, “I didn’t vote for it, no one in my party did... but... uh... you’ll be getting free money” was delicious.

Vote blue in 2022. We need to be sure that people know that this is the sort of good governance that comes from turning out to vote for Democrats. I believe that every single Republican voted against it.

I’m sorry for your loss. How awful. 

If no one has thanked you for getting vaccinated through your phobia, please consider yourself thanked. You are brave, and your bravery is appreciated.

I still have room for sympathy for people with jobs where they can’t miss a day of work to take the vaccine or recover from it, because they won’t be able to pay their bills or they will lose their jobs altogether.

My 70 year old father, without any evidence to support it (like a test result), suspected that he may have had a mild case early on and therefore have some immunity from that. That, combined with the vaccine misinformation, made him opt out of getting vaccinated.

I still have room for sympathy for people with jobs where they can’t miss a day of work to take the vaccine or recover from it, because they won’t be able to pay their bills or they will lose their jobs altogether. This crisis was economic, too, and those people had the most vulnerable economic situation before and

Certainly social media is a huge factor, but there’s also the fact that people in rich nations face so few perils nowadays that too many people don’t believe that anything bad will ever happen to them. And/or they believe that if anything does go wrong, there are people and agencies who will immediately come to their

My uncle missed the polio vaccine by 6 months, and got infected. He was one of the lucky ones who relearned how to walk, but post-polio syndrome is unforgiving, and in old age (84), he’s lost all the mobility/independance he’d regained.

A relative of mine who refused to get vaccinated got diagnosed with COVID a little less than a month ago. In that time he’s been in and out of the ER – much of it barely conscious and hooked to a ventilator – and now he’s living with debilitating blood clots and in need of dialysis treatment a few times a week. Oh,

I find it so fascinating that so many articles about childfree women / the decision not to have children are completely devoid of discussions around men. The vast majority of the time, having a kid is a two-person decision and process. Where are all the articles about men who “decided” not to have children? Where’s

My niece recently became pregnant. After the initial joy has subsided a bit now, the very real concern has started to sink in about the financial part of it. She and her partner are already a bit overwhelmed trying to figure out how to make it work.

The “baby bust,” long predicted by researchers and feared by the sorts of people...