
The best thing about Max was taking him and Felix “they make a fish out of saltuna???” Millstone on a drug-induced vision quest.

Honestly, the Outer Worlds really made me appreciate Mass Effect 2 a whole lot more.

Too much water?

Schreier just thinks it's too slow, and also that he's had enough of crying babies in real life lately.

Yeah, I figured it would. The folks on the Giant Bomb east crew seemed pretty down on it over all. I think those that bothered to finish it settled on “it’s worth experiencing, but I cannot recommend it without a ton of caveats.”

It’s almost like different people have different opinions!!!!

It’s really not though. TOW is a bland soulless shallow imitation. Once the hype hysteria wears off you weak minded folks you’ll see just how bad it is. I ended up uninstalling it today and am reinstalling FO4 with mods, which I appreciate a lot more now because it isn’t as bad as TOW.

Oh, I have no delusions of how buggy Bethesda games are, I played Oblivion, FO3, New Vegas and Skyrim on console! But I was willing to play the ultra buggy console versions of their games because they were well written, fun and had many ways to play. ‘76 doesn’t even have the benefits of quirky NPCs to cover it’s

Did you forget the nearly year long shit show that was Battlefield 4 or something? 👍

Yes, the Horse Armor was stupid but they quickly learned their lesson. The Shivering Isles was great and the DLC for FO3 and Skyrim was pretty solid too. The FO4 DLC was also good and Far Harbor is probably the best RPG content Bethesda has ever made.

The Jello people are scaring me.

See also

he sounds like a really repetitive police german shepard.

Is it wrong that I agree with the reason he chooses not to stream with women? I mean I get it that it sucks but rumors alone I would rather avoid them entirely tbh.

Loves Bayonetta, Dosent know what Fortnite is. Gaga’s got good taste. 

God you’re such a trash person. 

i am sorry, but water and sand sounds more like mud. it's dry mud. which is dirt. nice dirt.

It's more like they figured out how to store water in tiny little capsules.

@twothefutureandbeyond: Silica is just coating the water they are not chemically mixed. Unless I'm wrong.

So it's kinda like a pile of water balloons, but on a microscopic scale?