Melanin. Melanin makeup, not melatonin. Melatonin is what I sometimes take at night to help me sleep. #themoreyouknow
Melanin. Melanin makeup, not melatonin. Melatonin is what I sometimes take at night to help me sleep. #themoreyouknow
But they literally had to make him toys to fucking brief him with, otherwise we know he wouldn’t have paid any attention.
Fight and vote with your wallets do not buy from those who support the new White House administration. Reisist, resist, resist.
most of his EO’s are going to be blocked or rescinded by the courts.
Pudge Dredd.
Hopefully that so-called judge is having a good laugh at our so-called president. I sure am. Anything that makes him angry makes me super happy.
Since he can’t fire judges (someone told him that last night), the next best thing is to have a twittertantrum.
He really thought that becoming President meant that he got to make all the rules and everyone would be peachy keen with it all.
He’s established precedent. Respect for law and official titles is no longer a thing. If we don’t like what he’s saying, Mr. Trump can be referred to as the “so-called President”. Hoping the judiciary, the legislature and the media take note. Foreign dignitaries should be advised that appropriate forms of address…
“So-called”: that’s a direct threat to that judge.
outrageous ruling from a so-called judge, i believe is how he framed it.
Uh yeah and the fact that he is calling the judge’s ruling his “opinion”?? like dude no its the LAW not an idiotic man just willy nilly making decisions to suit his mood at the moment. some people are actually respecting the rule of law...
that he thinks what has happened here is an affront to law enforcement only further underscores the fact that he believes his word is law.
Exactly. IF you want to know what a conservative is guilty of, you simply have to look at what they accuse others of. It’s because they simply cannot fathom that other people may be different than themselves, they assume that everyone is as horrible as they are.
To be fair, white people voted to burn this country to the ground anyway, so I’m not sure we could blame it on Michelle living in a gold tower in the hypothetical.
I am of Norwegian decent with a very Norge name and after P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act found myself on the No Fly List.
Ellie, no one is better qualified to head “Barf Bag” than yourself..I adore your posts and am really excited about this!
She is incredibly arrogant while still attempting to play the poor me card.
I’d give a shit were it not for the fact that modelling is not and never has been a meritocracy.