Loving all the people coming together against Trump. He’s actually unifying Americans ... against him.
Loving all the people coming together against Trump. He’s actually unifying Americans ... against him.
What a weird comment to get so offended by
ok the trailer itself creeps the hell out of me so to cleanse my palate i’ll be watching this all afternoon
Nah, I’m pretty sure the white folk who routinely claim “reverse racism” are the smug, predictable, and annoying commenters.
No, he relies on the character limits as an excuse to cover up his semiliteracy.
Can I just say bravo to the Jez team? You’ve been cranking out the non-stop coverage over the last week. Thank you.
Clearly a photoshop. Donald would have written “Your.”
The Mexican President has already cancelled because of Trump’s wall. The ex-President of Mexico, Fox, has also implied that if we build a wall, we can kiss any Mexican law enforcement cooperation goodbye. Trump and his base probably either aren’t aware of the level of cooperation between our two nations’ law…
BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.
If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...
They’ll do a VH1 “My Life On The Offenders List” and make Josh and June bunk with the Sandusky widow, Subway’s Jared via skype and R. Kelly.
you missed a good chance to roll out “Honey Doo Doo”
So she lost like 4lb? Inspiring.
So when is Josh Duggar getting his new show? Josh Duggar: From reviled Child Molester to thriving in Trump’s America
I’ve turned a corner on my feelings for Shia over the past few months. From cold and judgey too warm and tingly. I loved his sexy little dirtball rat tail in “American Honey” and I have always had the hots for guys that punch Nazis.
And here is a textbook lesson on why personal niceness is not the solution to racism. A man can be so ‘nice’ that he gives a $450 tip yet votes for a president who is both undeniably racist and a ran on a platform that was undeniably racist. $450 and a smile won’t desegregate the cities and schools, or reform the…
If this mofo was really interested in being better Americans why the fuck would he vote for an openly racist, openly sexist, anti LGBTQ, orange menace? Did he not see what happened to PoC at Orange Foolius rallies? Does he think it’s some kind of coincidence that these bigoted fucks targeted Poc for violence at these…