My Dog Is A Pirate

There’s no way are you a liberal rather than a Putinbot, but regardless:

I keep telling everybody her name is actually Swamp Barbie.

Please .. Go on. Which news network did not air stories about Hillary’s emails and only contained quotes of Trump’s own words?

Today in “chickens coming home to roost”...

She already sold her soul, what else does she have left to shill?

Token always has an expiration date.

Trump is one committing treason on a daily basis. Clinton has had a $600 million witchhunt aimed at her for 25 fucking years and the assholes on the both the right and left still can’t prove that she has EVER done ANYTHING illegal much less treasonous. Open your eyes. You got played by right wing and Russian

Wow. I guess a brown person doesn’t fit in with FOX’s idea of a network that is going to kneel down and suck Trump off every second of the day for the next four years.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer woman, with her trans hate and medieval outlook. Maybe she can get a gig on QVC.

Do these dumbasses even know anything about the man they elected?? If ol’ Robs tried to talk to Trump about ‘unity’ he’d be cut off faster than a collect call from Tiffany.

People are always comparing Trump to Hitler. But, c’mon, at least Hitler actually wrote his own book.

No fuck this lady. Her child being disabled does not get her a pass on trying to fuck with other women’s rights.

she knows Herr Drumpf tried to get Tiffany aborted, right?

My argument has always been that pro-life is your choice. The choice of others is none of your damn business. If you want the right to choose life, you have to be prepared to let others make their own choice.

It’s like being furious about amputations. It’s an unfortunate medical procedure that is sometimes necessary, but no one gets riled up about Hippocratic oathes to “do no harm” when a surgeon is holding a scalpel (or even a bone saw).

Yes. Also, Michelle is allowed to have more emotions than just love for Barack (although obviously important). She’s allowed to poke at him, mock his dancing, display displeasure, and basically, be a fucking human being. All Melania’s allowed to do is say how amazing her husband is, how the media hates them, and wear

Personal silver lining: My daughters—7 and 5-years old—were very interested in the election and pulling hard for Hillary. They were devastated when she lost, but have asked me to take them to the Women’s March in our city tomorrow. Regardless of how bad this gets, hopefully it will inspire a new generation to be

My silver lining is that I have a whole bottle of wine.