
Let's not forget that Stafford also likes to have dudes "back it up" on him. Dudes that happen to be your backup QB. While on the ground. At Talladega. While also backing it up onto a girl. Drinking a Big Gulp.


2 guesses: 1) Reading the bible at home.

"I backed it up on Matt Stafford....get on my level cunts"

And yet I bet he's happier than any player who signed an extension with the Jets.

Upon receiving notice that Michael Sam beat up his boyfriend, he was subsequently re-instated and appointed team captain.

The sad thing is, Michael Sam has NOT been able to be a distraction from day-to-day NFL dysfunction.

It's a scared little dog and I have no idea why anyone would think it's good.

Cookie Dog is a bad Vine.

Scary to think someone can do so much damage even while punching effeminately.

Seriously, I was at 13 inches when I started commenting on the Internet for the first time. I'm up to 20 now.

Seen this?

Same one that makes their dog play dead, amiright? /Hocks loogie.

ihatefeet, meet foot in mouth.

I bet if this had happened pre Ray Rice the NFL office would have said it was because he slid...Expect the NFL to go into political correctness overdrive now

Of course the super-Christian wouldn't know when to pull out.

Huge shoutout to Gawker Media's undersung graphics geniuses Jim Cooke and Sam Woolley for laboring over that map. They're both amazing, glorious people and I'd probably be dead without them.

D.C. Bro's hobbies should include more league activities. Softball, bocce, beer pong, horseshoes — D.C. Bro is already registered in advance for all of the fun his summer can handle, and he helped design the tshirt. Isn't this a hilarious tshirt? Do you even kickball, bro?