
He didn’t “offer help”. He tried to completely take over. Do you see the difference? And “mocked and ignored?” By saying “actually she doesn’t?” How is that mocking and ignoring him? They were calling the shots, because that was Jessica’s fight. She had experience with Killgrave, he didn’t. And he didn’t get shut out,

I think that made his a really interesting Marvel villain, though. He wasn’t the same “has aspirations of global domination” villain that we’ve seen so many times, he was “what if psychopathic stalkers had mind control powers?”

Dude, that cop came prancing out in his underwear and tried to take control over their whole plan. And they didn’t need him to. He wasn’t sniveling humble apologies, he specifically said “you need me” to them in the kitchen (and where did that cockiness come from? Jessica had to keep him from committing homicide and

It could be. But the tech industry is very different for ladies on the spectrum than it is for men. I’m on the spectrum, am a lady, and am a programmer. And because I have always had an -intense- interest in how computers/electronics worked and love problem solving, I have worked my ass off and hyper-focused to the


Gee, maybe there isn’t an uproar for women working in coal mines, sewers, or tossing trash bins around, because of those “women are so physically inferior, they can never work the physical jobs that men dooooooo blah blah blah don’t let them be firefighters or Army Rangers wah wah waaaaaaaaahhhhh” cries that are

Hollywood Reporter, you misbegotten spawn of hell.

I don’t think it can be put down to that, though. Studies on trans men who have received HRT have not shown tendencies for increased violence, even when hormone levels are greatly fluctuating at the beginning of transition and irritability may be a side effect.

Hate Cookies (recipes now on Pinterest). They’re absolutely full of nuts and they burn your butthole for the rest of the day.

Thank you for this. It’s very well said.

Oh my.

You articulated everything I wish I could articulate right now but I can’t because I’m a few glasses of wine and many a tasty nacho in.

Do you also have autism? If yes, why is “autistic” offensive for you? I’m interested in hearing all perspectives.

I’m autistic. And I’m fabulous.

Perfection, thy name is Lupita.

This wasn’t between women, in this case. The director of the team is a man, and he decided to kick the girl off because of her mother’s “attitude”. And the compromise he offered them was for her to ruin her hair for 4 hours of competition. There certainly seems to be an agenda, however, considering it’s Texas.

Oooooh, all of these flavors, and you choose to be salty.

Right? Born on third base, but think they hit a home run.

I agree with you. The fact that her father is involved in this tells me that it is going to be slanted a certain way, that might not have any basis in reality. She had a rare kind of genius, and her father, who had abandoned her family when she was a child, exploited her and profited off of her while shrugging off any