
Just like comic books and action figures!

Yeah, it’s safe... sure... ok.

good one, kid.

trumps going to disown Eric, adopt Stephen, marry Ivanka, kill Jared and fuck Bannon.

It was silly to think that Stephen Miller would conduct a real interview and not just regurgitate trump talking points. There is no longer any good reason to let the trump cultists come and proselytize on the news. They will never offer anything fact based or truthful. They will never take ideas into consideration

This is objective proof that the alt-right are failures. They have a president and a right wing that controls the entire government on their side and yet they still failed. Sad.

Yeah I try too, but I would have been like:

True, but you see what I’m saying? trump speaks colloquially but he doesnt write that way normally. He also used commas and attempted proper grammar, which is also a little odd.

Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot - resign!

trump has mastered projection so thoroughly (like a 10 year old) and does it so much that the entire right wing has adopted the practice. We don’t even have to speculate about their motives anymore. All we have to do is listen to the accusations they make of others.

You are so fucking triggered! there’s no drug conflicts happening over Marijuana in the West?

You seem the most triggered with you 1000 responses trying to defend your dumb trolling comments.

Fuck you, troll.

Fuck off, pathetic troll. Get a life and stop harassing the adults.

You are an idiot. Please don’t breed.

It’s becoming pointless to point these things out anymore, but I would call Clarke the snowflake for getting so triggered over someone shaking their head at him. But, gaslighting and being scumbags is what the right wing does full time now.

Yep, they murder people in the streets for smoking pot there right now.