why did you click on an article about an asshole
why did you click on an article about an asshole
after you force the evil christian to bake your wedding cake, i hope you force the evil mosque to host your wedding
bring it, faggot
you sound stable
lol, bitch blew off her boyfriend so she could suck some rockstar dick
sounds like a racist county that should be forcefully diversified
lol i love it when faggot liberals eat their own
literally impossible
my wife and my girlfriend both love the fuckmachine i made. id recommend something like that
i am glad you find workplace sexual harassment funny lol
sounds like sexual harassment
this is awesome news. twitter has now been deemed a “public space” by the courts.
what was it in 1947, since we are just throwing out rando dates
you dont know?
you have elon envy.
you sound mad, homie. you should hit a spliff and get a blowjob
good to know and thank you for your contribution