Waiting for my Tea Cake

right there with you, fellow curly-headed white girl! Also, wasn't Curly Sue amazing?! I was 5 when it came out and my mom used to call me Curly Sue...

I'm always so nervous about seeing historical pictures like this. It's obviously an important film, it looks fantastic, and I'll no doubt go see it, but as a history major who focused a lot on this time period in the US, I always approach these movies with a bit of trepidation. King's legacy is already so wrapped up

I finally watched it a few weeks ago thinking all the hype and star studded cast that I somehow missed 10 years ago must be worth a watch, at least as a mindless romantic, feel good, fluff movie. But it was not. It was so so horrible I could barely sit through it. I had to do the newspaper crossword puzzles while

I was thinking of using crystallized ginger instead.

it doesn't look like there's that much more tinsel than on the Roosevelt tree?

love you, Jane, but seriously, what the fuck?!?

Kanye looks blaaaazed.

Good Q. The lack of captions on pics totally irritates me on Jez!

These are great. What's the protocol for when you've been single for two years but still feel like you just became single, you haven't talked to many of your friends in those two years because you're embarrassed by the way you behaved during the breakup and then went into hibernation for a year or so and now you're

This is my favorite BCO ever. LOVED every single one.

I thought that at first, too, but when I read "Istanbul," I immediately thought spice container/rack of some sort.

wah wah

Then why did you call it a Menorah and not a Chanukkiah?!

oh jeez. Can we get this girl some Gloria Steinem or something?!

why does everyone always make this mistake?? Even the Hebes. I mean, I guess a Chanukkiah is a type of menorah, but it's a special thing reserved for just this one holiday. How hard is it to get this right?!

wouldn't that just be ALL of them?

Take your kid when he/she is old enough


Aww, seeing this Cleveland Stadium letterhead gave me all kinds of nostalgic feels.

PS - look at my hometown makin' the news for something that's not horrible and shitty! Yay Cleveland!

My ex and I got our cat for my birthday one year. We had discussed that if anything were to ever happen, I would keep the cat. Then we got a dog. He decided if we ever broke up, he should get to keep our dog. At the time, this seemed fair. Mostly because I never knew how attached I'd get to the dog and didn't foresee