Waiting for my Tea Cake

I thought that at first, too, but when I read "Istanbul," I immediately thought spice container/rack of some sort.

wah wah

Then why did you call it a Menorah and not a Chanukkiah?!

oh jeez. Can we get this girl some Gloria Steinem or something?!

why does everyone always make this mistake?? Even the Hebes. I mean, I guess a Chanukkiah is a type of menorah, but it's a special thing reserved for just this one holiday. How hard is it to get this right?!

wouldn't that just be ALL of them?

Take your kid when he/she is old enough


Aww, seeing this Cleveland Stadium letterhead gave me all kinds of nostalgic feels.

PS - look at my hometown makin' the news for something that's not horrible and shitty! Yay Cleveland!

My ex and I got our cat for my birthday one year. We had discussed that if anything were to ever happen, I would keep the cat. Then we got a dog. He decided if we ever broke up, he should get to keep our dog. At the time, this seemed fair. Mostly because I never knew how attached I'd get to the dog and didn't foresee

same question. 28 year old. Ok, almost 29. Is that a solid no?

am I the only one who thinks he sounds like an incoherent mess?? I mean, I love the ultimate message and what he's trying to say, but wow, let's work on some talking points, TC.