
The Grand Am cut over two lanes in a typical asshat Bay Area driver fashion. Look, I’m not a fan of lanesplitting, as I fear one of these days one of them is going to take my mirror off, and there’s no way I can chase them down. But, the rider was not doing anything wrong, and he is in full right to expect the driver

Let’s compare the Five Hundred interior you posted, which is mediocre at best, and then let’s look at what Toyota was doing back in 2005. The Five Hundred was pretty bush-league. It was uninspired, and the focus was to cut costs. The quality of that interior is 1990s caliber. I stand by that.

Oh god, Hemet? The land of Arkansans that thought they could fit into SoCal, but failed miserably and retrieved 80 miles east to find affordable trailer home plots to cook meth?

It’s honestly not a bad car, and the first-gen GSs were actually cool cars. But it suffered a terrible looking exterior most of the time, and the performance was not above and beyond the competition.

My Costco carries 12-packs of these, and the prices are quite incredible per-unit. Might want to check your local Costco.

My Costco carries 12-packs of these, and the prices are quite incredible per-unit. Might want to check your local

Well, how about this, you believe what you want to believe, and continue to break the law, and get fined. I’ll believe what I want to believe, which is the laws are there to protect the masses from having our rights encroached by asshats like you, and I won’t get fined, and we live happily ever after. Sound good?

Sorry, but this destroys the essence of a Jaguar for me. Owning a 70s Jag means you know damn well you’ve signed up for utter unreliability, but spend the time and the cash to repair and tune the I6 or the V8, and it’s got all the right sounds. The LS1 is no doubt reliable and cheap horsepower, but it cheapens the car

The way I see it, if I am required to keep around my tax documents for five years back, just in case if I get audited by the IRS, as per my accountant, then I want to see Trump’s tax records from 2012-2017. POTUS, or any government official, for that matter, should be above the law.

I like how the shift gate pattern in the picture forms loosely the Chinese character for “hand,” as in, manual. For those of you who are fluent in Chinese, you’ll see it.

It’s justified. Props to the cop who served up justice. I would not have minded if she stopped to pull his dumbass over.

Fact: painted tail lights are bundled with a three-pack of Axe body spray, or a Monster energy drink “M” decal, depending on the part of the country.

Mustangs are all about cheap horsepower and cheap speed. It’s like a meth head trying to upgrade to a cocaine habit. It just doesn’t happen.

I drove my aunt’s old w123 sedan on a part of the Blueridge Parkway, with four people onboard. The car had over 260k miles at the time. It was a longer journey than expected, but that car is just so resilient. I love what that car was about. It’s like an old faithful dog.

Yea, Chrysler pumped out plenty of turdbboxes on their own. The LHS, Stratus/Breeze, and let’s not forget the Eagle brand. Save the Mitsubishi Eclipse sister car, every single one of them sucked.

Some cars are genuinely designed and built much better. A Land Cruiser will keep going and rack up 400k miles pretty easily, while most Beretta/Corsica died around 150k miles, if you’re lucky.

Too lazy to type out the words. I’m an American.

Yes and no. I hold car makers to high standards (as everyone should), but I know to be reasonable. If you go with the base model, don’t expect being pampered with cool gadgets. Those don’t impress me. If you can impress me with the basic model, I will shop further. If not, then there’s no point. A good example is the

1. I’ve had five cars throughout my life. I’m very picky with my cars, so I generally stick with a car for a long time, because I make sure I’m really into them first before I buy.

Compared to what other large sedans were available at that time, it was an embarrassment. The interior is just slightly above what a normal 90s Ford interior looked like, it was under-powered, and handled like crap. At the same era, the Chrysler 300 was a much better car, and the Toyota Avalon, as well as the Buick

The first-gen Volt may be awful, but it was a genuine effort from GM to do something new and innovative. As much as I hate GM and Chrysler, I have to give them credit for at least trying hard to come up with an innovative product. The second-gen Volt looks a lot better, but I haven’t had a chance to drive one. But