Whatever closet he was still in had a beaded curtain instead of doors. And the beads were tied up off to the side.
Whatever closet he was still in had a beaded curtain instead of doors. And the beads were tied up off to the side.
Somewhere, Jared Lorenzen is eating a Hot Pocket and reading this, and weeping softly.
No snark. This is just awful. RIP Tyler, and well wishes to your friends, family, and teammates.
Seriously, can somebody take Calipari’s phone away from him for a while? Give the refs a breather.
The first song played at my sister’s wedding. She did a free show here about 9? Years ago? Tiny thing, with that big voice going right thru that small club. Thank you, miss.
I’m honestly surprised how much her death have meant to me.
I was just listening to the Cranberries on the way to work this morning and heard the news a few hours later. I love this version of Linger because Dolores’ voice isn’t overshadowed by the music.
He ain’t imagining it. I have done 7 or 8 in around the 4 mark and I still had guys tell me how at that speed “you aren’t really actually, truly running”.
I’m training for my third marathon and am one of the barely sub-5 hour people the old-school marathoners like to sneer at. My take on them is the same as my take on these guys.
I first learned of the Ironman when Magnum P.I. did it in that one episode where he did it.
I’m training for my third marathon and am one of the barely sub-5 hour people the old-school marathoners like to sneer at. My take on them is the same as my take on these guys.
Fuck off.
Came for this joke. Leaving satisfied.
Sharks and Jets just won’t stop going at it, eh
The NBA thrives in part because we get caught up in the off the court drama of it’s players. It’s a feature, not a bug. Kerr knows this, he played in the Jordan/Barkley/Iverson/Kobe/Shaq eras. He’s just saying this to defend his former assistant.
It took me a long time also. I grew up in a household where my mom was a special education teacher and even I used it. It was the 80s and 90s and I was a dumb kid. It wasn’t until I started my special education career and studied the history of how people with disabilities have been treated by our education system and…
shit’s lit bro
Say what you will about Nick Saban, but I’d be shocked to hear a story like this about him. His Hideaway Book is just a list of all the games he lost over the years and he uses it to smash his penis on a table whenever he smiles inside.
He named it The Predator because it might as well be invisible
Ump: Inside corner, strike three! You’re out!
“Something about a Murph”. Sad. It’s a Hero workout paying tribute to Michael Murphy. It was originally called “Armor”, a workout he did just about everyday on base with his Seal team. When he was killed it was renamed to Murph. It’s a workout performed on the 4th of July by every affiliate in the country. Im sure you…