@arozzi: so let me get this straight: you claim not to like the Cayenne because some cars are better on asphalt and some are better offroad.
@arozzi: so let me get this straight: you claim not to like the Cayenne because some cars are better on asphalt and some are better offroad.
@Alfisted: nein!
@Justin Bonneville: DisplayPort is also on other brands of computers/monitors, not just Apple.
@arozzi: You know, this forum us just littered with sophist argument, and it's not amusing.
@arozzi: What, may I ask, is the Cayenne incapable of doing for you?
@berbar: It's all a matter of perspective. The fact that we are conversing electronically places us amongst the richest people on the planet. Blu-Ray and home theatres are rather selfish indulgences if you think about it.
@MarkProvanP: Respectfully, you are wrong.
@berbar: you score the win for being the first person to call Blu-Ray old fashioned!
@MarkProvanP: You have just explained why DVI is superior to HDMI! At least with DVI, audio channels didn't corrupt video on long cable runs, and the connectors stayed reliably plugged in.
@Greg Lloyd: I too hope that any new app i purchase is required up front to say whether it has ads (or datamining capabilities), but just because we've not seen it yet doesn't mean it's not going to happen. It takes time for details to reveal themselves.
@Greg Lloyd: perhaps you have heard of Nokia, the largest mobile device manufacturer on the planet?
I for one will not be downloading iOS4 until i understand iAd.
@shad0wca7: how so?
@D_Robb: meh. i never liked VW grilles much, ever. but the interiors more than made up for it. there is so much more to a car than the grille!
@Christian Riber: good point!