my favorite car is a motorcycle

Doesn't matter what the nose looks like, everyone else on the track is going to be watching the tail.

Chuck also bought a support truck for the mechanics.

@Cruelheart: you flip-flopper. first you say Ford is the best, now you say that an antique Ford body on a decade-old Dodge chassis w/ Cummins diesel is the "ultimate". Make up your mind. ;-)

@smokebellew: you sound bitter. Relax, it will be better tomorrow. GM is paying you back, with interest.

@jalopnikfan: well, we could have ended up with the GM Autonomy:

Spot on, Matt. The Acura beak is a losing proposition.

It will be very telling if the sheiks trade in their old LMoo2 Lambos and Land Rovers for this. Perhaps Middle Eastern oil baron clients aren't actually sitting on as much oil as we hoped, and will be interested in purchasing a 28+ mpg Dubai cruisemobile.

still not king of the hill

She was small, but she had great lungs. What a voice!

@oyumurtaci: not necessarily. the failure modes of an electric drivetrain are completely different than those of a conventional ICE drivetrain. It comes down to implementation whether the reliability of the vehicle can be significantly improved. As perfectionist as Porsche is these days, the new electric bits will

Sounds like an interesting process. Who knew that steel and aluminum played so well together without a sealant keeping the galvanic corrosion at bay?

Well, there are those who need such a truck, and some who don't.

The Gillette grille seems to have a new teflon coating for a closer shave.

nice car for summer, but give me a break. real men put spiked tires on their motorcycles for winter use.