Wow Elon said something.... that always comes true and is 100% accurate
Wow Elon said something.... that always comes true and is 100% accurate
I literally said when this car was announced like that type of speed and weight in the hands of oblivious people with money is going to be dangerous. Now if I could afford it I would maybe even get it, but it’s still wild to think about. Also this is the drivers fault through and through and if he tries to blame the…
I’ve never seen a def pump?? That’s cool.
I believe in Europe the nozzles are opposite for that exact reason. As diesels are far more common there for regular cars than here.
While I agree they aren’t as luxerious as their current competition saying they are similar to a 15 year old Highlander is a complete joke. They are comparable materially to a Volkswagen with the build quality of a new Honda. They aren’t on Audi or BMW level yet but a 15 year old Toyota? Absolutely not.
Classic old person “back in my day” as if anyone asked
Nissans are junk
All earnings*
I think they should be forced to - current tesla owner
CCS is the standard, the Tesla plug is the proprietary.
So that they get to bring it back in 10 years and be like “wow look new gol” and get easy hype on the new car
Mine was old and when I had it but, y’all are going over 30 mpg in Miata’s?
Well I think electric SUVs are also getting built cause it’s easier to make them than small electric cars. Especially when right now because they tent to have a MSRP gap, it’s harder to make a margin on that small electric car. They tend to have a bit more storage but I think people are looking at the running costs vs…
Common theme about America in general
I think they want to save the for when the electric car tech is a bit better and they have a lot of support from brand fans overall
Someone who would own a car like this doesn’t need a reason. They definitely do not need a 400k house or any beaters (to use personally). So they buy cars like this. It’s about the money usually not the car.
Can’t wait for that to break... new Cadillac reliability.
I believe people should have full access to the battery’s potential, we have a model 3 and have it set to charge to 90% and then extend to 100% for road trips. If someone wants to abuse their car that is their choice. Think going past the recommended length for an oil change.
Its more expensive but a Tesla model 3 could blend... used 3 series, A4, IS, maybe an i3 if you like that #electric gang but not Tesla
Imagine being so dumb and so rich that you can burn an extra 40k for a car that in 3 months you can get for MSRP or maybe a little above.