MxPxRobbie, son.

@ComputerMonkey: haha, all in jest. I'm from TN, so I hear a lot of English butchering around here. I actually dropped a college Sociology course when my teacher used the word "supposably".

@verspasian: Yeah, it's pretty decent... check out some of the others though... you might be surprised with what you find!

@diabadass: You have Mad Men on streaming? dang. I read on the PSN blog somebody watched The Wizard streaming. I get neither in the US :/

@newbski: did you see the scary clown from April Fool's a couple years ago? Frightening.

@Caturday Yet?: I have severely cut back my soda drinking, and replaced with water. Benefit? I've lost weight from doing nothing more than occasional elliptical usage, and I feel better. My skin looks better too.

I like DoubleTwist. I wanted to find something easy for my girlfriend to use, similar to iTunes, and the music app is pretty nice too.

@kraed: I now know why you have a star.

So, let me get this straight:

@Loon: Yeah, I had my brother text me with the code to kick things off. Just now, I finally got a report, and it works as advertised. Thanks though!

Hmmm.. I'm testing this on my Fascinate and have it set to report every 5 minutes. So far, 30 minutes have passes with no report.

Man, I wish this worked on the Fascinate.

@emjayrules: yes. old-school napster + cable internet + stack of CD-Rs = my freshman year of college.