MxPxRobbie, son.

@curibox: Good thing Reward Zone is free, then.

@aelver: +1 for Claussen. I don't buy any other brand of pickle.

@bwwardiii: but they are the Mario Bros... Mario Mario and Luigi Mario.

@TanyaRei: Right, but not aiming a gun controller at the screen is akin to playing Duck Hunt with the Power Pad.

@The Intern: * We are not responsible for any damage incurred to your TV.

@sip: YES.

This idea fails without motion tracking for aiming purposes.

@tralfaz23: Met Seth at Star Wars Celebration 4, really nice guy.

Hmph. Kids these days with their iDosing and butt-chugging. Back in my day, we drank our liquor with our mouths and participated in light forestry activities...


Based on the perspective, isn't this more like Breakout, minus the stairs getting shattered by the ball?

and for all you ladies out there, never shave your legs after being afflicted with a flesh eating virus, ala Cabin Fever.

@stop2: I think these are the Nintendo characters (EB Zero)... I'm betting the SNES ones will be awesome.

@apollon: this would have been awesome if you hadn't typo'd 'Commend' for 'Comment'.

I've got a waterless urinal right over here...

@Zkdog: I know :( Usually it's pretty important too.

Alt-text: College Board issues aside, I have fond memories of TI-BASIC, writing in it a 3D graphing engine and a stock market analyzer. With enough patience, I could make anything ... but friends. (Although with my chatterbot experiments, I certainly tried.)