
That may be the stereotype, but that’s not what school shooters actually look like. Trenchcoats and boots, maybe. Eyeliner, long or dyed hair? Nope. Try hoodies and really terrible bangs.

My exact thought. Those features were one of my favorite articles on this site. I would love to see those photos, and everything that was done to them to make her look like a flawless 30-year-old.

I haven’t seen anything saying he flung himself away from her. It sounds to me, although it’s not clarified, that she may have been behind him and grabbed him in a chokehold from the rear, and he threw himself backwards into her, which could have pushed her onto the seats. That’s the only way I can picture it having

That confused me too. Was one of the boys wearing a black trench coat and fatigues? That’s all that comes to mind. 

The yogurt shop tantrum was the best. 

I also wonder what the response would be if an assertive and confident girl did the same thing back to the boy, with a similar level of implied intimidation.

But even in porn, there are tricks. Such as enemas before shooting anal scenes. Ever wonder why there’s generally no poop involved? I’m sure there are other examples the participants do to be able to endure parts of the performance or make it look easier, less painful, etc. 

If the title of this article was “Hulu’s ‘Not Okay’ Shows Us Everything That’s Not OK With Black Women”, everyone would be apoplectic.

Oooh, thought it might be, but it’s a lot more graphic than his usual work, so I wasn’t sure.

Who’s the artist?

Yes, by not informing victims’ families about murderers’ parole hearings, and not charging thieves with shoplifting, causing many drugstore chains to close hard-hit locations. We need prison reform desperately, but this isn’t the way to do it.

When I was a teenager in the 1970s and traveling around Europe a few times, Italy was notorious for the men catcalling, groping and pinching any woman with a pulse who had the temerity to go out without male accompaniment. I don’t know if they directed it at Italian women as well, or how they dealt with it, or just at

Looks like Laszlo is showing The Boy the emotionally loaded, paranoid recruiting montage from The Parallax View as a training film. 

I don’t think dusting the car with cocaine was necessary. It sold the scenario, though, but I think all the problems Howard was having plus his erratic behavior would have been enough.  

I know nothing about this production or any scuttlebutt- which character or actor are you referring to who is the consummate professional?

Because nobody is suggesting changing the language about Men. 

I think just non-binary. 

I don’t think it’s necessarily body shaming to point out that a particular body doesn’t match the dimensions of another particular body. Depends on the actual comments, and their intentions. And it’s valid to criticize the actions of the person contained in one of the bodies if they ignored the dimensions of the

NFTs are sketchy to begin with. This is kind of perfect for her- legal but not exactly ethical, likely to attract greedy but kind of dim people. 

Ah. I did a search for her sequined gowns, and I thought that might be it. The bow being so subtle is a nice touch. That’s gorgeous.