I just swooned and then cried bc it's not real....
passat was my first thought but this came to mind on second inspection, body looks boxier than the passat and I think the wraparound lighting looks more like this. Could just be picture distortion too...
Not my first choice but not too shabby, I'd have to get a financial advisor so I didnt end up with an empty bank account and a garage like Jay Leno. Not that that's a bad thing...
I sure hope this is the kind of car he was he was planning on buying.
"The Mask" era Cameron Diaz or "training day" Eva Mendes
Okay, it's not real yet. But can I really be the first person to submit the Panamera Sport Turismo? Many have listed wagons, many have listed German luxury rides that are just as quiet and smooth at 120mph as they are at rest; but none of them have four adult-sized cockpit seats and Porsche swagger.
Megasaurus wuz here!!!!!!!!
haha was gonna post but felt biased, I've replaced the tails with the euro version also so turn signal and caution is amber. so much more visible in traffic and a great look IMHO. I havent added the inner set of lights like the guy in the video but you get the idea.
"seriously, bruh, get the fuck outta my way."
Haha, I turned to watch some ass rev and squeak his tires and scream down Newbury St in Boston (a crowded pedestrian shopping street for those who may not know). His windows were down so I called at him'"Douche, its just a Boxster." But it was the new model I hadn't until then and I really liked it. And I was jealous.…
"Too big and too expensive for the America market." Feels wrong just saying it. Seems the greater problem was VW was still fighting their reputation for electrical and mechanical issues and this monster of technology and cylinders seemed like a massive leap of faith. I've seen a bunch of the used ones around Boston,…
My dad's rules: This is the most dangerous thing everyday, so be careful. Be polite, you never know what car your next boss or the asshole with a gun is driving. Go drive donuts in the snowy parking lot every now and then. PAY ATTENTION. Cops, tractor-trailers and bikes: GIVE 'EM ROOM. Use your GD blinker. Left lane…
yes, before and not after they start changing lanes, check the blind spot and then turn it off. the number of people who do this is gross
agreed, doing "the creep" is better for all involved but easily ruined (often near Boston where I am) when some spaz sees my 2 car lengths buffer zone and jumps in like its a new fast lane
If I see one in black or gunmetal I may just lick the door handle, even if it spoken for. Lots of rich folks are germaphobes right?