Abe Froman

Chevy wasn't gonna be caught dead following that nonsense 4-door coupe trend, so here it is, the new Chevelle 2-door sedan!!

Nissan is in talks about putting a Cummins 4 cyl diesel in a Titan, why no one has made a small work pickup with a 4cyl diesel before now is beyond me.

I'm postponing Christmas by a month from now on. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR FRIENDS GOT, SANTA GAVE ME HALF PRICE FOR WAITING! SEX VACATION FOR US PARENTS WITH THE SAVINGS!!!! HA!!!" (ensuing tears ignored, self-contented christmas jingle whistled into kitchen)

Royale with cheese? What do they call a corvette?

christmas is coming, you should get your neighbor something you know he'll love


i'd settle for the manual, my 08 Passat manual doesn't just disclude a map of the 3 fuseboxes; rather they decided it would be interesting to print an INCORRECT map. Took it to the GD dealer. "Here, you waste YOUR manhours on warranty dime to perform dumb shit tasks i could do at home with a proper manual" absolutely

agreed, the makings of some great wagon and small-town-fear-of-gay puns here but lose the names. my conscience hurts.

i'll bet its fun as hell but that front spoiler is distracting

I feel there are occasions for both....dinner, bbq, ski trip, posting up at the house; gimme that crafty, complex, yeast in the bottle, taste of the artisans sweat... but happy hour, tailgate, burning the town down gimme a Jameson and a bud heavy/PBR/cheapest you got.

shiny lights, what is thi...? oh. Dodge, meh...


That last one needed an emoticon, again, just teasing Brick, my sarcasm doesn't read well. My best friend just did a year stint in Houston and loved it, I've got plenty of texas cities on my list to visit b/c I know full well they're friendlier or more proud than half the dopes in this country.

that draplin?

caution all jalops, Boosted Brick is carrying and tracking your IP....don't mess with Texas, i guess

i don't think know if there is much point to friending people on here, but i just heart-clicked all of you. Yes to all this, BW is a hero; a man of integrity; C&H is perfect; had a part in shaping my personality, honestly. He captured all the goofy imagination of youth and the fear of growing up and the tough stuff

like, approve, promote.

Just kidding boss, I'll apologize, I know you're carrying. Didn't think Texans were so sensitive.

Construction on the 3.4-mile racetrack DONE been halted

not just an issue of vanity, that thing would be a pain in the ass to carry around and a crutch for beginners, learn to unstrap and skate.