
The Harrises believed the girls were possessed by demons and could communicate telepathically,

Bruno Mars better watch the fuck out. Because this guy is pissed off.

"Marsha and I always planned to have five children..."

Dear State of Arkansas: file child abuse charges against these scumbags posthaste, because isolating a child for hours on end IS abuse.

Hey, can't prosecute them for their sincerely held religious beliefs, guys.

Remember before the Internet when people just fucking proposed with a goddamn ring in a champagne glass/piece of chocolate cake/etc.?

How to make a proposal all about you 101

Obama could come out in favor of puppies, moms, apple pie, guns and football and all of our conservative Facebook friends would immediately denounce all of those things as socialism.

You can't choose family.

My INCREDIBLY racist half-brother thinks he's a cival rights activist because he's always posting dumb shit Ben Carson says.

I had a friend of a friend start bitching about Obama's vacation time, saying that he was taking too much time off, he was neglecting the people, etc ad nauseum. I found a comparison between Obama and Shrub that showed that the President of Very Little Brain had taken something like three times as much time off in the

What greater expression of faith in the American experiment than this; what greater form of patriotism is there; than the belief that America is not yet finished, that we are strong enough to be self-critical, that each successive generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is in our power to remake

I rather like this "fuck all y'all" version of Obama we're increasingly seeing as he approaches the end of his presidency.

God damn right. That was the kind of memorable speech that changes ridiculous laws. Good to hear Obama saying what needs to be said. Anyone who could argue against what he just said obviously does not have Americas best interest at heart.

So Marriotti can't say it was a hit piece that hurt his business. It promoted it!

This might be my favorite blog that's ever been posted on this Web site.