
It doesn't matter if it fell or not, that tells us nothing. The totems only work to tell if you are in someone else's dream. I believe it was Cobb's dream at the end, so the totem was a projection of his mind, therefore, it would act according to how he believes it should act since he knows all of its properties,

@Odin: It's OVER 9000!!!

Congrats Jason. You da man in my book.

Yeah, but if he had a kindle, he wouldn't be able to look at her in the reflection.

Top Gear. Doesn't leave us with much of a choice, so online it is for me.

@Black Knight Rebel: I really don't play many video games at all. If I did, I would probably be on Kotaku right now. From a pure technology standpoint, and as a casual gamer, I prefer Kinect over Move, as it has far more applications. Besides, with the Kinect system, Microsoft could very easily implement a

@Black Knight Rebel: By motion, I meant the use of Kinect's motion tracking, not the PS3's sixaxis or something similar. Sony's pingpong ball with an LED in it defeats the need for their sixaxis gyro sensors anyway.

Sony is so stupid. Who says that all Kinect games won't use controllers coupled with motion?

@hostile-17: "the trick doesn't seem anywhere so subtle to us. With floors that look like that, who would ever want to let their eyes wander off the games? "

@92BuickLeSabre: Meh. I thought it was supposed to be Calvin and Hobbes, which seems much more Gizmodowy... Now I feel stupid.

@jp182: "In response to the Nike Patent story that broke on various blogs: Reading the fine print it seems that the patent is actually for a footwear based lighting system and not for an autolacing mechanism."

3-axis Gyro?... I though he said free access to gyros. I was so hungrily excited.

If nearly silent implies quiet, and almost silent implies quiet, does almost nearly silent mean its noticeably loud?

Now playing

@Lemonade: Definitely Mythbusters. I didn't edit the video, but I did look it up on Youtube.

This is neat, it reminds me of a photo my friend took of the spark gap on our tesla coil. The spark didn't show up in the photo, bu you could see its reflection on nearby peace of pvc.

@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems & (Starman), The MIDI Man: I agree with both of you guys, sure its bad, but that's not the point of the article. Sometimes I feel like the other commenters here don't even both to read more than statements like "we've all done it" (Which, I might add, is said not because it is