
Not to mention kill the other character who we that was the lead half-way through.

It's definitely more entertaining to watch than The Walking Dead's repeating cycle of misery. And for all the silliness, the show does occasionally pull off something interesting, like when one of the characters gets trapped in a vent with a zombie, decides to get high one last time and ends up getting the zombie high

The Dolph Lundgren Punisher had better acting performances than PWZ. I didn't think the action scenes were anything special, violent sure, but it was also post Rambo, so it seemed tame by comparison. Not to mention it was kinda boring, I appreciate the lack of shaky cam, but just plopping the camera down in a single

I wonder if Durand's character is influenced by this one.


I think the term was he was an avatar of war.

A film noir Inglourious Basterds sequel about a post-war Hans Landa living in Nantucket, and trying to solve a murder.