Yes, I like Jukes

By far the worst episode of Doctor Who I have ever seen...barring a few like Donna’s first episode.

Also curious. Pretty sure I can get all of this for ~$60 at Walmart.

Also curious. Pretty sure I can get all of this for ~$60 at Walmart.

The last Pixelbook had MUCH larger bezels and started at $1000

Wasn’t Infinity War basically a trailer for A4?

Even if this ends up being $1000, the Pixelbook prices will drop down a good bit and will make that more affordable. Win-win at any price range, unless its $1500+

Yep my Aussie and Border Collie both do this.

Please don’t put this on me.

Now that you say it, I really hope they do this. I would be thrilled to not have a title or any sort of trailers.

I couldn’t see it.

I personally dislike the animation style of the current incarnation. I really enjoyed the previous Teen Titans show, but could not get into this one.

I’ve always wondered why they can’t just use Heroin. It seems to be pretty damn cheap and effective at killing people.

Wait...when did The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina move to Netflix? I thought it was going to be a CW show in the same universe as Riverdale?

We just want Allo to have SMS. If they took Allo and gave it the features of hangouts + SMS, it would be perfect.

I actually miss having comcast. In my area, I only have one provider to choose from: Mediacom. Mediacom is SO MUCH WORSE than comcast.

I really hope so. I hate seeing Yvonne Strahovsky playing a cunt.

Z3M Coupe.

I really like this, but I’m scared to see the price and I already know it wont work on Verizon.

I have 3 of them in my bedroom so the Google Employees that are listening in can hear how bad I am at the sex.

Pretty sure T’Challa will visit the Ancestors and Killmonger will be there as he was the Black Panther for a short time.

Lets start the real discussion: Amsoil is the king of synthetic oil.