
This is literally the funniest thing I have ever seen on Jalopnik like ever.

I hope you are right.

it is just question of time, before someone at Porsche will call their law department and put (or at least try to) a stop on all this Singer stuff.

fuzzy dice.

it is not your place to tell me what to write.

Get over yourself. It is a tradition (in other sports too), champagne producer got paid, it hurts nobody, you can’t feed hungry with champagne anyway.


“Finally, An IndyCar That Doesn’t Terrible???”
does not what?

edit: oh, you fix it. I will see myself out.

you could not be more wrong. sweden has highest proportion of immigrants per population from all 1st world countries. Mostly north african and arabian origin.

Fired up vehicle?

mentally healthy? yes, it might be a sign that something is not quite right in that department.

we will how it goes if/when he challenges Hamilton for the title (or scores the points Hamilton would really need).

Bottas is doing is job really well. His results, race results, and mainly qualifing results are probably better than what was expected when he was signed. He is much cheaper than Vettel or Alonso would even be. Not signing Bottas for years to come would be just stupid.

I wish wish wish this Accord would be sold in Europe. Will not. Cars like this are vanishing. Suvs and crossovers everywhere.

I always liked the triangle as a child. I used to watch the raindrops, travelling across the window, running to the safe place, being killed/wiped out by wipers, being totally happy when my raindrop I bet on made it to the traingle.

I have it other way round. I am scared I might say something (or I did) that I mean totally innocently and someone will get (genuinelly) offended.

white, central europe, jew, 2 university degrees, middle aged man.

I am European and I had to google that too. Never heard that as “quote” before.

be open, be honest, do not lie, do not hide. It is not a rocket science.
