
poor you, life is so hard.

Honda will get it right eventually.

you are lucky to have 2l version, here in EU they only sell 1,2l petrol and 1,8l hybrid. Both are hopelessly weak.

GM never had any idea what to do with any of their brands overseas. Ever. With any of them.

Do you have son too?

BS. Ferrari would never cheat.

They need to pay their bills. Nobody is buying cars like original Eclipse was. Everyone is buying cars like this. Nothing wrong with that. They have to.

you are wrong. in 60s/early 70s. drivers sat in the open garage on the empty oil tins, cars were often put apart by mechanics on the piece of grass behind. People can walk meters away. Nobody was bothered by that, nobody was bothering anybody. And what the starts they were. not some selfie-clowns.

that is not Lotus. That is Brabham!

when they legalize man+car marriage, you can use it as your wedding vow.

punctuality killed the cat

one sentence summary:

It is not as silly as Ferrari The Ferrari (James May copyright), but is it close.

still 550 Maranello was the best looking. Since that it is nothing new, it looks like constant face-lift. But nothing comes close to 550.

good luck finding one under 0,5 mio EUR.

javohl, meine german ist good nein. fielen danke.

that is wrong translation from german. he will only get free charge.

Put buses with spectators inside on the track during F1 races. I would buy ticket for that.

nicely written.

I would go for 1).