
If it is gonna be like latest Admiral Kuznetzov charade, it will be smoking like mad, going as fast as fishing trawlers, 2 planes will crash on it, therefore they will move all plane activity on landlock airfield and 2months later they will go home for several years of repairs and upgrades.

These bad ideas sell a lot and these bad ideas sells for a lot. So it is kind of attractive for other manufacturers to offer their bad idea too. Simple as that.

This is not money maker. It is not supposed to be. If “project Stinger” breaks even, they will pop the champagne.

I will. 

You killed “Planes” movie.

you all are :)

She liked Stinger, she raised eyebrow about Camry (that is harsh criticism) and gave me “hmm” that was full of words.

Wow, lots of thing happened recently.

one day, in the year 3000 (I learned a lot about that year from Futurama) when car hovers and flies and wheel is forgoten invention I will have had bought (not sure if this tense exist - maybe it will in 3000) this retro car in a heartbeat.

put a manual gearbox and 3 pedals and....I am gonna have a closer look...I might even visit a is still KIA, but loooking goood...

I have just added extra line to my CV.

Can I torrent this car somewhere?

my wife just pointed this out, and I will never unsee that.

hipsters are better or worse for ‘hood than rednecks?

I am not a native English speaker. I am sure you can write in 4 other languages apart from your mother language, just like I do. Admittedly not perfectly, but that is not the point.

Exactly. It is monster success of Disney to enforce that fine. Usually it is hopeless to sue Chinese knock-offs. Hopefully this will become the precended for more legal battles.

only thing missing from perfection is cat flap door in that grille.

when market crashes, you will be cut as part of cost cutting, you will find no other job and you will not be able to buy any of these “will be cheap” cars anyway.

in this market segment, it does not matter how it looks, it does not matter what powers it, it does not matter how it performs, it does not matter if it works in real life, they will sell all they wanna make in no time. And at the end of the day that is only thing that matters.

Shale gas, USA producing more than consuming in gas/petroleum department, Iran allowed back to the world market, OPEC unable to agree on limits, several reasons.
If you think it is sanction to Russia you are wrong, because they are allowed to sell their gas/petroleum to Europe without any limitations. They even sell to