
Maybe she wears rubber underpants to keep insulated from the electricity.

What about Hope and Charity?

Is he warning you that he's going to come steal your stuff?

Popular movie is popular. Shocking.

And people were saying exactly the same things in the 1950s and 1960s about the civil rights protests of that era. Hell people still rail at the "dirty hippies". You are upholding a long american tradition of rejection and derision of protesters.

That makes me wonder if Scott Walker isn't somehow a plot by Michigan to finally extract revenge.

I haven't found any lack of willingness for people to criticize those who challenge the status quo. Calling protesters of any type whiners and babies is pretty much the default for Americans, until decades after the protests have succeeded.

It didn't involve slaughtering Native Americans, so it wasn't really appealing to him.

"This first involves recognizing that the Marx Brothers’ allegiances or philosophies weren’t always clear or simple."

Bernie can hardly be classified as a demagogue.

I wouldn't consider time watching Marx Brother routines "wasted", either.

As I hoped/feared when I bought it Project Cars, it's become a long term time sink for me. The urge to do just one more lap to see if I can shave a few tenths of a second off my best time can be quiet strong. It's also an immense game, with different car types spanking decades of racing, all begging to be explored,

" intransigent leadership is desperately scrambling to fend off insurgent populist forces from across the political spectrum."

All of those came out long enough ago that both the economics and technological considerations of displaying in 70mm were quite different.

More likely they'll fill the space with ads.


You're a little touched, aren't ya?

The next article is about Star Wars in cartoon-cat form.


Which reminds me: When alphabetizing titles "The" as the first word is ignored.