
Pfft, no. Farley is trying to sell cars. That’s it. EVs aren’t selling at the moment, pure and simple. And they can’t make a bunch of poorly planned ICE vehicles fitted with tiny batteries in the meantime and expect them to sell simply for being hybrids. The perfect EV customer 10 years from now is the person who

I don’t see their views all that differently. I think Farley’s worry about referring to them as transitional vehicles is mainly to prevent mediocre products from being built. Just as much effort should be put into making great hybrids as they’ve been putting into creating great EVs. Looking at them as “transitional”

Licks thumb to rub something. Cuts wrist.

I am... confuse...

I mean, possibly. But also, the insurance company is not American Airlines. And they obtained outside counsel. This all sounds like the shittiness inherent when you combine the dual forces of evil of an insurance company and lawyers. Companies like airlines actually think about public perception. Insurance companies

My first ever new car. A 2012 Ford Focus Titanium. Yeah, the transmission was a little wonky, but got better after a few service calls. It looked and drove nice and I still miss it. Wife wanted to lease a Flex so I traded it in to lower the lease payment. Bad decision. Didn’t hate the Flex, but lost the equity of my

Had one of these growing up. Spent a lot of time in that way back seat. Ours was the late 70's version. Like this but I think it was dark blue with fake wood panelling.

I like fog lamps. They light up the road directly in front of the car and feel helpful. In my current car I have them on all the time and when the auto brights come on, they switch off. Auto brights go off, the fogs come back on.

Chrysler needed to start with a better car.  Unfortunately, it had no better cars.

My son just bought one like that in the Cleveland area. Would have been closer to $200k 10 years ago, but now over $300k.

This is my pick. 1992 Mazda RX-792P. Didn’t win anything and was plagued with problems, but damn if it didn’t look phenomenal at failing.

I don’t think he was saying that this guy was targeted as a form of discrimination. I think he’s saying that these municipal codes are often created at first as a way to target certain people or groups who are deemed undesireable without being blatantly discriminatory. And then they just stay on the books and get

I think the literal definition of “snowflake” is someone who objects to the unequal usage of the term “snowflake”...

F46 is so clearly a LGBT slur.

My car not having a spot for my Aldi quarter is a deal breaker.  

We can certainly agree to disagree. Design is subjective. The Daytona is by no means an ugly car. It’s actually quite striking. But ever since I was young, I’ve thought the angularity of the front end treatment and the size and prominence of the orange indicators seemed at odds with the rounded rear and subdued tail

You make this comment as if you have seen a Ferrari Daytona but then it seems as if you’ve never seen Ferrari Daytona. If there was ever a classic car that looked like two different design houses had designed the front and rear it would be that car.

Thought I would share the story behind your comment. Because I hadn’t heard about this. It’s pretty wild. There is concerted effort from both sides of this conflict to paint themselves as innocent victims and neither narrative is true.

While I agree with your overall point, this is debateable...

As I like to say regarding people who ignore facts because doing so suits the narrative they want to create:

They either don’t care to know, or they know, and don’t care.

Taking an XJS and doing some mods to make it raceable is very cool. Like this...