Mutsumi Mitsuba

Or craft it

You don't have to pre order this to get the items.

So i preordered from here. I understand people saying its a digital distributer but do i have to download the game from them or do they send me a key that i put into steam?

Brother made a Seiza stool and at it is very comforatable to sit on and it keeps your back straight. It costs around £50 to buy but you can make one for around £10 or free if you have the wood.

Stuff the fake apple store!!! Look at them bottles those people have!


I don't want to ever have fame again. they are like animals D:

My xbox live gamertag was Unknown COG. I had that before gears of war 2 and everything was swell

I just bought it aswell. As soon as i saw original pokemon my wallet jumped at me

I just bought it aswell :D

I loved MGO however Europe severs didn't have alot of lag switchers or a bad community... It was just empty. I never played on american severs (I never bought the american version of MGS4) I loved it that much i bought a japanese copy of MGO (just online) and granted i don't speak or read japanese the game had a huge

I'm totally new to visual novels, would you happen to reccomend some good ones to me? A bit off-topic i know.


I never did like Fallout 3 or new vegas (never played 1 or 2) I don't know the reason why but it just didn't invite me in like oblivion did to me when i first got my xbox 360.

I already have steam on mac however as much as i love the source games (and some other mac games on there) there are a lot of other ones that i would want to play without using VMWare or Backtrack.

I got my 27" imac for christmas and i must say it is good... but i just miss my PC ever since i got back into gaming.

You're making me want to play eve online again.

Oh how i love that picture!

Build Rome using X amount of blocks within 24 hours