No One

I'm sorry for trying to be financially competent. Would it be better if I just don't them at all?

I don't really know about that. Second-hand is usually cheaper than still being new-looking. I'll spend my money however I want.

Just play the ones that came before. We'll still have many old games that will still be played long after a future video game crash.

Because I'm waiting until Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain comes out and those games I mentioned will be cheaper by then.

No one's putting DRM or microtransactions on my PS1 Spyro games! I say that because the industry wants to taint and corrupt the past because such a rich heritage and humble roots are apparently "stale and out-of-date".

Plus consoles will never truly die. There's still room for PC, smartphones, Nintendo and big bulky arcade fightsticks.

It doesn't work most of the time with shovelware like Candy Crush, Dungeon Keeper and All The Bravest coming to mind.

Cliffy B wants to force us all to buy new copies at full price and always be 0nline.

What, by making big ugly men in dirty dull grey/brown ruins and wanting force everyone to be a part of the DRM bullshit?

Let's not forget American McGee. (snigger)

There is no strong year for EA!

That was nice. If ever I get a PS4, I might pick up this and Black Flag, both second-hand of course, and have a fun time with no co-op and hopefully this continuity-lockout that is the Templer/Apple saga will be severely downplayed for newcomers.

Then I hope for a cat fight between Xiaoyu, Nina and Hwoarang for Jin then.

Now playing

Asuka would sound cool if voice by Erin Fitzgerald (Chie from Persona 4 Golden).

I want more wackiness, please. More of Lee's "Excellent", more of Nina and Anna fighting and acting like children, more of Paul's tango with Kuma, more of Roger's marital difficulties and, last but not least, confirmation of everyone's favourite foe yay couple, Asuka and Lili, to be finally, absolutely, positively,

Now playing

Disappointing about this being an extended version of the debut trailer, which was just a teaser for this.

Maise Williams as Ellie? Not a bad idea. Sounds great but it really must come in the execution. One of the many wrong with films based on games is that they fail to capture the atmosphere of the games they're based on.

Many of the indie games might be an exception like the upcoming Soul Saga emulating the style of PS1 JRPGs and Heart Forth, Alicia drawing inspiration from Symphony of the Night.

Like a dance? Ooooh! Sounds very... elegant, fitting for the emphasis on what defines a spectacle fighter.