Disarming the public is standard operation for police states. And about our murder rate, it’s about half what it was 20 years ago.
Disarming the public is standard operation for police states. And about our murder rate, it’s about half what it was 20 years ago.
Crime was also much higher in the US 20 years ago despite the fact that gun laws were stricter then.
Once you step out of your lillie white suburbs where guns only recently become a trend, you’ll that in more rural areas, guns are just something everyone has, and just a part of life. It’s been like that for centuries.
Well crime in this country has been steadily declining for the last 25 years, so there goes that whole more guns equals more crime myth.
So we should all be denied the right to bear arms because of what some criminals might do?
So yeah let’s just ban all guns, and everything SHOULD be all by all kumbaya for all the pant wetting gun-phobes.
Found the brain dead liberal hypocrites...
Be honest, if the names he used instead were Jethro, Billy, Randy, Cheryl, Jasper, Shane, and Shirley i.e. “white trash” names, you'd be yucking it up
And yet like almost every other major American city, St. Louis’ crime rate peaked in the early 1990s, and has been in steady decline ever since. I guess they're just using those guns for target practice?
That’s life. The fact of the matter is is that crime has been steadily declining for the last 25 years, despite there being a lot more guns on the street today than there was in the early 1990s.
Wait, they teach you how to rob stores in high school? I guess I should have paid more attention...
Yeah because it only has one the largest and fastest growing economies in the country and like 4 of the nation’s 10 largest cities.
Yawn, and yet violent crime rates have been steadily declining in this country for the last 25 years now.
You’re the derp. Violent crime is half of what it was 20 years ago when gun laws were stricter. Of course they won’t tell you that at Uncle Barry’s or Bernie's place.