
Analog art of digital artifacts, reminds me of data moshing, or what Rob Sheridan does for NIN (glitch modifying images using a text editor, and yes that's how he does it).

@DanB91: why can't it be LTE, verizon has been advertising LTE devices in commercials (mainly a usb modem afaik)

@Settings: now think about it... do you think he would make it THAT easy for anyone to get to it (he might of, but most likely not), of course there are ways, but I am considering doing something similar (using something like the above product), but I'd at least have it behind a firewall, and vpn in, and then connect

@Canoehead: check out the foscam, one thing it does better, is you can move the camera, and you can buy it NOW, no waiting. The temp/humidity thing is a nicety, but unless it has alerts, it's not something you can't find another solution to.

@mike_311: I did, but I'm not sure how that would work.

Price will be at least $100, as there is no bluetooth camera below that price range, that works with mac or iphone, let alone one that has an infrared lamp, temp, and humidity monitoring.

@comodidit: afaik, most of the wiring stuff is plug and play, what you'll probably have problems with is aligning the door correctly that it latches/locks and keeps moisture out. I remember the door on my bro's jimmy started giving him crap, and we had to replace a pin or something that had broken, but that is the

@ellistyle: also you could schedule a cron job to send a very basic e-mail message, or something more complex, and do other useful things as well.

@ellistyle: use ical? to send yourself or someone else a notice about something

@lalov1: you could also get a boxee box, or just a nettop, and put boxee on it. If you have a smartphone, you can control boxee with it. You can also run any other xbmc derivative, plex, etc. But I would go with a sub-$200 net top box, it will the most versatile IMHO.

For the last over a week, I have been without my iPhone 3GS.

@rentahero1: for me it's not about the cost, but about the better implementation. I am not a fan of the glasses, because to me it doesn't seem like the best solution. It reduces contrast of the content, and also strains your eyes, at least mine. Also much like your gripe about not being perfectly still, I tend to feel

@engerd: I don't like Lose It! because there's no web sync interface, so basically you can't sync between multiple devices, like say an ipad and an iphone, at least the last time I checked.

@Graymulligan: It's really the old engineers are full of themselves. I know many, many mechanically, and technically inclined people who are not technically "engineers", who can run circles around some actual engineers. It's more about, humility, respect for skills, and a willingness to learn, even from people who you

I really don't mean to sound racist, but I work with many, many engineers, many of which are Indian, and as a non-engineer (I pride myself on having the skills and the mind, but not the short-sightedness IMHO), that many of these engineers in my field, are complete half-assed morons. Now these aren't aerospace

@LeftClicker: Just so everyone stops calling it that, the mouse over text is actually the title attribute, alt is for screen readers, and the last time I checked the images on kxcd do not have ACTUAL "alt" text. Sorry to be technical, but yah.

@kecooke159: You're better off using yahoo's weather API, IMHO.

@AgentSmithAndWesson: or... they are trying to further the propagation of standards based browsers... let me guess IE?