I feel so bad for her, I thought this was over.
I feel so bad for her, I thought this was over.
Once again, I implore Joe M. and his pals, either the Dungeons and Dragons crowd, or the Magic Mike costars, to promptly find this asshole and beat the living shit out of him.
Damn. Sofia Vergara’s husband is a nemesis that just won’t go away. One minute you are the love of their life, the next destroying you is their raison d’etre
But is he pestering her to get pregnant again or simply for more children? It’s hard to tell from context here. He might just be suggesting they continue with surrogacy. (He seems too narcissistic to consider adoption.) That can still be problematic in some ways, especially since he doesn’t strike me as a particularly…
Kanye has been playing Pygmalion to Kim since they got together. He changed her look, he tells her how to dress, when to have kids, etc. She’s like a sex doll he can dress up and make babies with. And she lets him.
A husband who cares even a little about his wife won’t harass her to get pregnant if she went through everything Kim K went through. True, some women go through with pregnancy, even when they know it might be horrible and or dangerous, but she doesn’t want to! Respect her no!
Megyn Kelly is out
So, Sarah Huckabee Sanders out as press secretary by Christmas, Megyn in by the New Year?
Well Kendall looks very nice in this big ol’ perm! I think I like it better than her natural (?) hair.
My condolences on the loss of your father.
Miller was in her life for much longer than Davidson, Miller was there for her through the horror of the bombing and the concert after it....not to mention what I’m sure she went through trying to help him cope with his addiction. I suspect, like a lot of people, she didn’t break up with him because she didn’t love…
And... She runs Bartertown!
Hole. Ee. SHIT. I knew things were bad, but I didn’t know they were THAT bad. WOWZA.
My cousin adopted brother-and-sister kittens a few years ago, and named them Ike and Tina. On Facebook, I said something like, uh, you know he beat the crap out of her, right? And she replied “lol it’s funny.” I had to mute her for a while after that because I was so disgusted and pissed off.
This os freaking intendente and doesn’t look like it will have a happy ending for anyone. He needs so much help.
I love her. Sidebar—she had a kidney transplant in 2016. The donor was her current husband. So glad she managed to escape Ike with her life and later found the type of person who would give her his kidney.
If this happens, I hope the employees get paid what they are owed.