I think Harry needs to be careful. His crown has been looking lighter lately.
I think Harry needs to be careful. His crown has been looking lighter lately.
He’s more fun because he has less pressure. He’s further down the line of succession.
I think that would be great, but if that even remotely became a possibility, I imagine Putin would be offering Harry a Polonium cocktail.
My SO looks like a poor man’s Liam Neeson and went full clean pate a few years ago after I urged him to. I’m black and know that while most brothas look fine as hell bald, you really gotta see what shape head ya white man is working with. Like Wills, my man’s head wasn’t ideal for the sexybaldwhitedude look [see:…
The brother, fine - brothers can be dicks to each other, it’s part of the contract.
It’s a mixed bag for me. I think some men look great with fully shaved heads and some look like... child predators. If you are balding (like me), then having your hair long just looks awful.
William’s got a lot of faults. He’s skivved off at both his RAF and Air Ambulance roles, millions of taxpayers money is spent on his houses he doesn’t live in, he once got a helicopter as a gift (taxpayer again), and recently left Kate with the kids and dumped Commonwealth Day celebrations to go on a ski trip with the…
Which is so weird, because we’re not that long removed from Harry dressing up a Nazi or the recordings of him in the army using racial slurs. I’m someone who remembers this, and somehow even I still like him better than William, whose only real fault has been ceasing to be a teen heartthrob
In fairness, I think this has less to do with sexism and more to do with the expectations we have of Trump. This is not surprising nor shocking and none of us expect anything to come of it. He has effectively desensitized us to anything and everything he could possibly do. Has he even responded to this?
Probably not.
“The Prince got sick of being teased by Harry about going bald and this seemed like a practical solution — and one that should stop all the digs too.” Sky News notes that Harry and also Kate have been public teasing William about his hairline for years now.
Honestly I’m pretty annoyed at this weak-sauce coverage. Are we all pretending that if Hillary was found to have fucked James Deen and then paid him $130k for his silence (possibly using campaign funds) that this wouldn’t have been an above-the-fold news story on every outlet on the planet? And yet somehow, this…
There is no way I would have sex with Trump unless there was UNGODLY amounts of money up front. I mean enough for me and the next 3 generations of my family to immediately retire in obscene comfort...adjusted for inflation as well.
Did not know this about Cruz. Gross!!!
Ugh. I’m so sorry about the work injury; how infuriating that you are left to pick up the pieces without any help from your employer. So I completely understand how you might find it difficult to swallow that a multi-millionaire deems $100,000 “shit” money. And I hope you know, I get what you’re saying and I am…
Well, it’s my personal opinion, but the facts have been widely publicised in Spain. There’s a pretty extended, to my knowledge, dislike of her because of that hypocrisy. I think she has a really good PR team in the US, and high profile relationships to guard (Matt Damon, Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey to name the…
Everything is relative.
I’m sorry I’m using your comment to vent, but it riled up my train of thought.
Sad, and true. What’s sadder? Give it 10 years and watch him make some comeback.