
I would have with Abe Sapien so this is a pretty easy Yes for me, honestly.

The cat-eating is a deal breaker.

Tonya was definitely a victim of sexist double standards long before the attack. She was rough around the edges, and she was downgraded for it as opposed to being ranked on her sport, but NFL players can do drugs, commit domestic abuse, get physically violent, and mouth off publicly and no one cares.

I’ve never understood why having a shitty childhood should give anyone a pass on being a shitty adult.

The thing is, humans gonna human, and they’re not going to do that. If we want progress, we can’t have this whole self-righteous thing, even if we’re *right.*

The funny thing is that it does feel like all the feminist battles had been fought, just that in a generation or so it all got undone and they had to be fought again. We’re doing Third Wave over and over and over in a sense. I realize this is a perception thing, but it just occurred to me.

I don’t object to the word feminism, but I’m starting to see a trend these days: people are feeling awfully left out. Now, mind you, these are people who have advantages, but the thing is, you can’t argue with perceptions and feelings. You can’t say, well, you’re NOT left out. It’s not that they’re left out of

...what this says to me is that everyone is some percent each of these. Like I can appreciate some “oh come the fuck on, get over it” in certain circumstances, and I hate being told how to talk and feeling like I’m forced to coddle people, but I also think it’s fine to own choices that some people might consider

I love you.

Briefly, first wave is suffragettes, second wave is Gloria Steinem et al during the 70s, and third-wave is Jezebel.

Ugh, Avon does that, even with established favorites. They’ve replaced my skincare stuff 2x now!

I’ve known the menthol cream for legs and feet, and that was super nice, although I’m sure that’s not what you’re talking about. Once you go beyond the basic skin care and makeup, they rotate products pretty quickly, so stocking up on those was always dangerous, as there may be a new packaging or product coming out

I think that’s on account of including the baby. Since she isn’t wearing anything special, I doubt she was originally meant to be there but having a remarkable athlete become a mother is such a awesome situation that they couldn’t resist putting the mother and child on their cover.

I just remember when I was growing up they had this menthol stuff that was amazing when I had a cold. They had a lot of “herbal remedy” type products, but that one seemed to work the best.

I used to sell Mary Kay in Spain. I had to stop after spinal surgery, and ended not getting back into it, but I will say that I’ve been pondering signing back up just to buy at a discount. I think there’s a 25€ way in still.

Ivanka, like The Donald himself, very badly wants to be liked, and respected. Not enough to not be a family of grifters, but lots of people want to be loved despite their own behavior.

I am ten thousand percent unsurprised that in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario, people start throwing their hands in the air and going “fuck it.”

She wants, she needs to be liked so badly it hurts. I mean, it hurts to watch.

That’s totally awesome. I think I work along the same lines and my friends poke a lot of fun at me (good naturedly).

I have a few that were my grandmother’s. I use them in my office and one for napkins. My favorite is a small one with a little plaque that says “Longaberger 1996 Hostess Appreciation Basket.” It’s delightfully tacky. I suppose they’ve held up well over time, but I can not imagine spending $50 on any of them.