
valar morghulis

God that's good. Reading your response feels like when you're super fucking hungry and then you eat something delicious and then you feel your blood sugar go up, only it's the blood sugar of feminist fury. I need a cigarette after reading that, and I don't even smoke.

Mermaid Khaleesi goes to the gym.

Some things are more important than money. You can't ALWAYS paper over your bullshit.

I ... I think I'm one of those man-haters now.

According to Alan Elliot of Baby Moses Dallas, the way to prevent miscarriage is simply by carrying the child to term.

"...maybe men on the internet don't think that women are actually people."

It's amazing how the people who thump the Constitution the loudest seem to have forgotten to read it.

"I'm starting to think we've conflated 'free speech' with 'freedom to bully without consequences.'"

My husband starting watching this yesterday. I didn't watch it, but I heard it. When it became violent I made him turn it off. I have two small children and I don't want them to be exposed to that. The thought that their little souls could be torn to pieces because of who they are kills me. What happened to Daniel

Maybe they should try praying away the video.

My thought exactly. I really hope she starts wearing prosthetic bellies of different shapes and sizes, just to fuck with everyone. It could be one of the greatest works of performance art of our time.

Maria and Simon told him this would get the press to notice him so he could move up to the C-list. Now he just needs to go to that promotional party at Lif and get in a fight with Willow Pape again.

And somehow Clint Eastwood managed to make it in Hollywood with only two expressions: Hat-On and Hat-Off.

This is a garbled, half-finished thought, so I hope you'll forgive me if I sound like a moron, but here it is: I sometimes wonder if Stewart would be given a slightly more forgiving ride in the pop-culture discourse if she were gay. Refusing to engage with a lot of gender-performative norms as a gay woman is something

Even if you think she's the worst actress the Hollywood pipeline ever excreted (I happen to think she's fine), it's still vaguely distasteful to sneer at a woman for not giving you the facial expressions you think she should. Kristen Stewart doesn't owe you smiles.

I haven't really seen that many of her movies, so I don't have a strong opinion on her acting either way (though I've never understood people's hatred towards her as a person), but I strumbled across this article recently that I think makes a pretty strong point for her not being a bad actress, just mistcast in most

Is this the Hollywood version of asking women to smile more?

niall- niall is the one i am most sure about. after 1d, he will be successful as a guitarist for other recoding artists, both in the studio and on the road. he will also get song writing credits, both for lyrics and music. he may try to do some solo work, but nothing will catch. he will stay vaguely popular on twitter

Can we also talk about how he appeared on CNN in a fucking hoodie? Like, that was a revolutionary act in and of itself. Then he had to gather some folks and show them the truth and the light.