
I just want to make it clear that Mcdonald's vegetarian options are non-existent. You want anything besides fries? You're getting two buns. Source: experience

I talk to people like her ALL. THE. TIME. at my job. They're barreling down the road at 65 mph and calling me for pizza "to save time!" AARRRRGH.

I wholeheartedly agree. Someone here is going to call you callous. I think callousness is the wanton disregard people show their fellow drivers when they engage in dangerous, superfluous behavior that destroys lives.

I love Dave Grohl, but I hate people who act like the arbitrary decider of what is "real music" without the self awareness to recognize the arbitrary part. Now I have to shame him with this video

I don't care if she spit in his face in front of the entire student body. You don't stab people for rejecting or embarrassing you.

I was once talking with a friend and this exchange happened

Well the thing is, this isn't a question of "omg all males are violent". This is about how women react to men IN CASE they're violent. Because so very many of us have, at the very least, been verbally abused by a man for rejecting his advances.

This. Every time I've had a bad feeling about a guy, I've been right. I have no fucks to spare about the feelings of creepers. Socially inept isn't an excuse. I don't care one bit.

People with mental illness are far more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than they are to commit one. Mental illness almost never initially presents as violence against another especially in this age group.

All the men I met in my life have been great or just fine, and in all cases where I said no, my "no" was fully respected. Except once. And that was one time too many, and that's why, for any given issue, there's 0,001% of the population who's an asshole ruining it for the rest of us. Like this guy. Hope he rots in

And of course, those women deserve to be killed.......They bullied the poor man into it.

Now if only we could figure how to get Kinja to do the same.

I don't purport to speak for all women, just myself, but I think that when women use the blanket statement about being scared of "all men," they usually mean "all men who are strangers to me." I like meeting new people and am, I think, an overall trusting person. However, there's always that tiny voice in the back

I've had enough close calls that I no longer feel like I need an excuse to not be around some dude who gives me the creeps. Listen to your gut.

it doesn't happen every time. it happens a lot. a LOT. "it" being a negative, frightening, upsetting reaction to a rejection. not a stabbing every time. but yelling, shoving, hitting, harassing? that happens. all. the. time. nearly every woman has experienced this. so do not tell us we're overreacting when we have a

People saying "fuck all men", let them vent. This is their platform to do that.

It's not isolated. Violence against women is major and everywhere, which is why you feel so comfortable dismissing it. And if you think dismissing a fatal stabbing of a girl by saying "But not all boys do it!" is a good way to argue, then I'm sad for you.

This is terrifying. As a teenager I barely understood that you were allowed to decline a prom invite. It didn't help that at my school you weren't allowed to go to a formal dance without a partner. The date had to be opposite sex, because that really prevented any students from being gay right? By the way, this was

100% agree with you. "Not all men are like that" is true. The problem is, too many are and there is no way for women to know which are which.

Donald Glover did a great bit about this exact predicament. The gist of it was that while a lot of guys have somewhat amusing/outlandish stories about "crazy girlfriends", women do not have the same sort of stories, because "IF YOU HAVE A CRAZY BOYFRIEND, YOU GONNA DIE".