
A Spider-Gwen ongoing is my entire Christmas list. That and superpowers so I can kick some ass, u g h.

I brought some kitties.

I just wanna go full Spider-Gwen on these fuckers.

My heart goes out to your friend, man. When I was first trying to tell my parents about my anxiety, they both said something along the lines of, "What do you have to be anxious about?" The first few times I tried to talk to my dad about the depression, he brushed it off and said it was something I had to get over on

It guts me that her parents responded the way they did. As soon as her mother came out and said it was weed and nothing more, I had a sick feeling Amanda was going to take another downward turn. Why do we have to pile on the stigma with Dirt Bag items like these? Isn't it bad enough she's getting it from her own

Hear, hear. After the last round of this bullshit, I naively thought that might be an end to this particular narrative. It's disappointing to find it's back. I don't see how it's meant to be funny to anyone but a schoolyard bully. At least the prevalent attitude in the comments gives me hope that things might change

The only good thing about that Amanda Bynes blurb and the way it was handled is seeing all the comments in support of treating her with some damn decency. It's sad that I'm surprised to see so many people being so considerate of (probable) mental illness, but it's really heartening in the comments right now.

That part creeped me out, man. I don't think it was a coincidence at all. I'm not normally superstitious, but the number 4 freaks me out. I know it's totally irrational, but I hate 4:44.

"Bipolar mood swings"? Really, Dean Thomas? The crazy equals violent defense is so fucking trite. It's stigmatizing and it's bad writing.

These pieces of shit are making The Scarlet Letter look fun. At least if I lived in the fucking woods, I wouldn't be anywhere near them.

The alcoholism? The bad temper? Sometimes disappears for a while, starts semi-militant squads, still kinda hung up on his dead wife...

We gave our first rabbit a two syllable name: Mocha, because she was little brown rabbit and my sister was really young, okay. And then somehow she became Bunny and then it was just Bun. We could not even manage two syllables. The four after that came from a shelter where they were all named after composers and

This is one of those rare moments when I truly connect with Katy Perry.

Exactly this. Per usual, the Twitter fanbase got out of hand about it, but underneath that, there is a point, which is that jokes and commentary like this, no matter how intentional it may be, exist within a greater context. That has to be addressed. It's the same thing we see in articles right here on Jezebel. The

Right? I don't have that kind of time, I've got tags to answer. And other life stuff, I guess. Plus part of the joy for me is being able to convey those non-verbal aspects and to let action say what a character won't.

Tumblr RP confuses the SHIT out of me, oh my god. HOW DO YOU EVEN KEEP TRACK? I get confused if Dreamwidth's notifs are down for half an hour or I check my email in my sleep and archive one. But I have never been a fan of RP that is purely dialogue, even if there are gifs. Old. :(

I am pretty sure it is a) vision problems, b) he was not actually within 50 feet of her at this show, or c) this is a false report. I can think of no other options when that sunshine cherub is around.

omg, I never caught that before, and it just makes me enjoy their friendship even more wow wow

Seconding. I need all the details. Top notes, hints of chocolate and musk, who smells floral (spicy or sweet?) and who should be avoided because they smell of Axe Body Spray, the works. The people need to know.

Seriously, I straight up applauded at the end there, all alone in my room. I hate that the people who need to hear this most are the ones least likely to take it seriously.