
ME TOO. That sentence is everything I want my life to be.

SAME. I was raised on Disney movies, and Belle's been my favorite since I was four years old — until now. Frozen just became my absolute favorite, and that's not an easy spot to take, but this movie, omfg. It really is everything. When I see little girls dressed as Elsa, I almost cry, too, just knowing that they're

Oh, man, yeah. The video for "Blow" is so fun. I didn't even listen to her music before I saw that, and then I loved it so much, I was like, okay, I have to check this out. This one? Meh.

Okay, I'm digging the semi-bouffant-with-headband thing she's doing there, and I love the rainbow hair, but.

More than that. The first of those tweets above, he stole from Val Kilmer.

Oh, I've got your back on this one. Check out David Kawena's art here.

That was my take on it, too. I don't think he's 100% shitty, but he's definitely manipulative as fuck, and I think he knows damn well that if he wants to be king — especially as someone coming in from outside the kingdom — then it's in his best interests to be seen in a positive light by the people. I don't think he

Oh, man, but that's exactly why I love Midnight Memories. Not just the title song, the whole thing. I don't even care, it's so good and fun. And there really is this fantastic old school big arena rock sound to a bunch of the numbers, and "Diana" sounds so straight up '80s pop that it deserves to have an accompanying

Join me! We can start a corgi collective, it'll be the best.

I'm practically swooning over this story. People who are good to service workers have a special place in my heart, too, and they already had one there to begin with.

2013 killed love. We thought love died before, but 2013 really killed it. Amy and Will, Doug and Courtney, Idina and Taye, about 91 other celebrity couples, and now Sharon and Alaska? I should just start collecting corgis now.

Same here, man. I have, on very special occasions, tried a couple different things, including newsprint — one nail only — spiderwebs, and Christmas trees. And all that's taught me is that I am so over trying. Add a little glitter and move on. Better yet, put the glitter on your ring fingers only, say it's an accent

...well, thank you for determining where the spending money portion of my latest paycheck is going. WOW. I mostly just get Juleps these days because I'm part of the Maven program, but also because I have basically everything I want from mainstream collections. I need something different, and, uh, I think I just found

I have trouble imagining Assassins ever getting greenlit, which sucks, because it would be really interesting (and you could have NPH reprise his role as the Balladeer). But c'mon, seriously, RAGTIME! That has the potential to be a really great movie if well-done. That is absolutely one of my favorites.

Oh, my god, I love it.

Alana is pretty much my favorite, so I have read too many articles, and can thus confirm she's slated to take a huge role in season two. Fuller's called her "the heart of the story" and Will's "champion," and she'll be a witness defending him in court and, yes, apparently lots of Alana. But man, I hope there's a lot

I got unexpectedly upset when I read about Joan passing earlier. There are several still hanging on, including Lauren Bacall, and I don't even want to think about that. Most of my friends don't seem to know or care about Joan Fontaine or Eleanor Parker, and I know they were really getting up there in years, but man,

It's so unbearably depressing. When it happened, I thought, please, let this be the last one. Let things finally change. I really believed there was no way that, after something that utterly horrible and needless — to the point that just thinking about it has me on the verge of tears a year later knowing no one

Yep! He's got such a lovely voice.

D: There are plenty of twists and I promise it's still very interesting and worth seeing!