
Tragically, my father voted for Prop 8 for the same reason therealamylou mentioned. And my dad's a lawyer. I can't even wrap my head around the level of willful ignorance involved, unless he's just flat out lying to covering that he's a bigot. Again.

I think it's more the element of mystery attached to the knowledge of her impending death than just the fact that she died. It's the lack of a concrete answer. Not knowing what happened leaves people wondering, and thinking about that kind of thing can be pretty unsettling, so it amplifies or creates a sense of

Ah, but what does a girl have to do to get hired as an editor? I love you guys dearly, but y'all could do with someone (or another someone) giving the articles a read-over for typos before they're posted.

Hear, hear, man. My dad was 29 when I was born and I'm bipolar, so it's not like some cut-off age would magically make the disorder go away anyway. And just because I have to deal with this day to day, and just because there have been times I didn't want to be around, doesn't mean I don't enjoy life now. I've learned

I was always pretty indifferent to Seacrest. Then he was on the radio talking about how Emma Stone's said she has panic attacks and anxiety, and he said it sounded like she was just overthinking. Now I can't stand him. People with anxiety don't need to be told that what they experience is their own fault; they feel

This is amazing. Now I want a whole tumblr of this.

I was actually really impressed by the level of detail drawn from the novel. If you're crazy obsessive (like 13-year-old me was), then you'll be delighted to see M. Gillenormand, to find Valjean hiding in the convent with Cosette, and to hear Enjolras, when asked who's there, respond "French Revolution!" Actually, I

I totally bought the giant leopard print fuzzy house shoes for a work party Halloween costume, but mostly because I wanted fuzzy shoes. They're awesome.

I wish people could just accept that some people are horrible assholes who don't care about other people. Maybe he had a mental illness, maybe he didn't; maybe he did and it had nothing to do with what he did. We don't know. Either way, from the moment the initial shock wore off until now, the way everyone's been

Aside from the obvious — oh, girl, this is a disaster waiting to happen again and again and again — all I can think is how jealous I am. The Lake District is so pretty and peaceful that an old, thick-walled cottage with a fireplace in a lakeside town is literally, with no exaggeration, the happy place I go to when I

Thank you. While I'm thankful people are discussing the need for mental health care reform, comments like the OP's have been freaking me out all weekend. I have Bipolar II and, before I was actually put on a treatment plan that worked, I'd have rage spirals lasting days at a time, but even when I was seething and

Oh man, way to make me start crying at work. I agree, the science here is the most beautiful way to look at it, and that book always, always gets to me.

Ugh, yeah, especially the scene at Trax when he keeps opening and closing the emergency exit just to force Andie to pay attention to him, then goes off on her when she's already upset and irritated about how he would have died for her. He's such a child.

I'm relatively certain that's actually Sixteen Candles, but I agree 100% on that. Ugh, Jake creeps me out so bad. We're supposed to root for him to get together with Molly Ringwald when he's condoning, suggesting, and presumably has previously been a party to rape? Thank you, no. That's one of those supposedly happy

YES. Ugh, which is the worst, since AYLI has been my favorite Shakespeare play since 4th grade. But then, I think that's a big part of why people are so attached to Duckie, too. Like, that part didn't bother me quite so much when I was in 4th grade, and I figure, if I'd grown up with Duckie instead of not seeing the

The fact that you included Duckie just makes me want to applaud. My roomie and I watched Pretty in Pink this weekend (her first time) and she was blown away that this was the guy everyone seems to love, because he is just the epitome of The Nice Guy, right down to saying he doesn't care if she likes him, but he lived

THANK YOU. All of this is just how I feel. My roommate and I were starting to feel like the only people in the world thinking this way about the trailers.

You are a genius. Comment of the day, please.

Late to this party, but can we get some Ryan Gosling up in here? That's practically mandatory, right? And Emma Stone! And Andrew Garfield and Anna Kendrick. Tom Hardy!

Wait, what is this one from??