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@mattmacklind: It was a Daewoo Lanos, motherfucker. And you're right - today's dirt-poor-motorist cars are all used. The closest thing is probably the Aveo, and even that could change with the new one. Even the Rio and Accent don't scream 'dirt poor' as much as they do 'hairstylist' or 'waitress' - you know, nearly

@djscruffy: 740s are surprisingly impervious to rust. It's nearly miraculous.

@Tanshanomi: I was hoping that was here already.

I picked up a rough-but-operational version of today's NPOCP candidate for $200. Waiting on the bill of sale as I type this.

@BrianMadigan: As automatics go, the AW7* is fairly good - it's only a three-speed with overdrive, but the only time mine does something it's not meant to is when I'm coasting down a hill and it shifts up at 35-38. Outside of that, it shares my mentality quite well.

This is the same colour combination as my '92 745T.

@chuck12: Only time will tell...

@tackett: I like the idea of both miles per gallon and gallons per 100 miles being listed, but the other changes sour me on the whole project. I don't care about carbon dioxide emissions - they'll be lower by definition if I opt for a more efficient vehicle. And letter grades are just silly, especially since they make

@Yurikaze: Given what a Scotsman put me through, I can agree firsthand.

@spg36: I'd agree completely - if he'd gone off into the mountains to jump, tried to hang himself in the closet, or overdosed. Putting innocent folks at risk is inexcusable, regardless of one's mental state. I have pity for him based on his mental state before the jump, certainly, and mocking him isn't the right

@GuardDuck: Seriously, what kept me going for a while was knowing that if I was going to check out early, I was going to take some real scumbags out first, and that'd take more planning than I felt like.

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@DoctorNine: And equally full of snow, fishing boats, mosquitoes, trees, bears, sizable antlered wildlife, and guys with ridiculous fur hats. Maine's got more lobstah, though.

@MushyHeirloom: More realistically, this. (Probably even less safe for work than my original comment, but too late now...)

@tscurt: J. Grant - leading webcomic genius and enormous douchecunt - has occasionally opined on this issue in the past.

@JonZeke: Was thinking this, and glad someone else said it first.

@BrianMadigan: Well, a good friend of mine is inheriting one - maroon over saddle, Cossie head and Crane/Maser cam, Getrag transaxle - from her father, who bought it new and brought it with them from San Francisco years ago, and I certainly wouldn't turn it down. Seriously, if I were straight, I'd be all over that,

@alfasud: Well, my car probably hasn't seen a dealership since before Clinton got his knob slobbed, but I have plenty of good things to say about my mechanic. Bad news gets ratings - I'm sure most of us would share the good along with the bad on a message board, but it's the

@TheAntiCat: Aye, it's also true that the fuel I save by rarely braking and driving smoothly is probably burned when I actually feel the need to get somewhere, especially since I'm not necessarily following the speed limit outside of town...

@TheAntiCat: Some of them are more serious, at least in subject matter (Tall, Tall Trees; Husbands and Wives), some, by comparison, aren't (Chug-A-Lug; The Moon Is High [And So Am I]). Roger was a brilliant man.