
@RentalCarGuy: An off switch was important when ABS was still being sorted. It's not so much anymore - I'd leave it on all the time, except perhaps in the snow. Traction control needs to be killable, though, of course.

@nobodyr: Nah, you can keep short haircuts. I like my all-natural permascarf.

@Murilee Martin: I think the Thunderbird, for a time (when it desperately needed sorting), might have earned that award. When Blake (the kid they tried to kill with the harness) was driving the Corvair, he and the 'Bird made up an effective rolling roadblock for a fraction of a lap.

@worthless_cos: Chard Beef were around last year as well, so there are some photos out there. Here's one of mine...

@Tommy861: A shiny heap indeed. It was three-quarters colour-shift and one-quarter blackened, withered horribleness. Not a bad rear-end repair job, though, given the venue.

@arbnpx: If there's any doubt that it's a G-body Regal, this'll clear it up.

@TheAntiCat: UDMan's right - it went from a blow-up doll to the flopping corpse of a dead hooker. Here it is in an early stage of its life.

@UDMan: Oh, no, it's better than you give him credit for: Blake's mother owns a Civic, which he borrowed to get to the track; he later had to explain why the radio didn't work.

@MushyHeirloom: ...and its driver wasn't in mortal fear of being drowned or electrocuted.

@casadelshawn: The Saab, as well as Speedycop's Chunderbird and a couple of other cars, prompted a whip-out-my-camera-while-it's-still-out-there response - but then proceeded to stay out there when it wasn't leaving its left front wheel behind...

Now, how adorable is that, eh? Not totally sure how 'removing the floor' worked, though. I didn't see a Sawzall.

@iambu: That's exactly how it's done, for those who are moderately but not extremely flexible.

@iceph03nix: This. On the rare occasion that I sign on to Facefuck on someone else's machine that I haven't repaired with Adblock Plus, it thinks I'm a Republican. Every damn time. Yeah, right.

@nobodyr: If they assume that women have stereotypical interests that happen to exclude sex, perhaps I should list myself as a lesbian. As much as I'm down for naked men, they're more distracting and often not as interesting as motorcycles, Subarus, folk rock, dogs, and antique furniture.

@PinkSoxHat: Pink-and-white two-tone, no less.

@Dancingfrog: Oh, German cars are patronising - they're just designed that way in an equal-opportunity manner.

Every time Graverobber posts something that's only 45 minute sfrom me, my interest is piqued.

@IN THE FACE!: Right, but taking one's significant other out to dinner is more enjoyable than being expected to remember one's in-laws' birthdays.